Hope - #85

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A/N: so the first scene takes place in an ambulance, however I've never actually had to be in an ambulance before, so I may have some of the facts wrong. I hope you understand!

Last time: Rin finally managed to get an ambulance! XD about time-

Luka's PoV

I slowly open my eyes, and I am greeted to ear piercing sirens screeching in my ears.

"Luka..?" I hear Miku mutter.

"H-Huh?!" I respond, quickly sitting up. Apparently that was a bad idea. "OW!"

Rin grimaces, and Miku shakes her head, sighing.

"Please lie back down, Luka." Miku instructs me. I wince and do as she says.

"Wh-what's going on?" I ask them.

"We are in an ambulance." Rin simply says. I flinch at her sentence.

"Oh. Great." I mutter. "It's not-"

"Shut up!" Miku yells, covering her ears with her hands. I wince at her sudden change of volume.

Rin looks at her with an annoyed expression.

"What was that for?! The paramedics might've heard!" Rin hissed.

"Well, I'm sorry, but Luka was going to say 'it isn't bad' or 'I'm fine' or something like that!" Miku responds.

Rin looks at me, and I avert my gaze and look at the roof of the ambulance.

Miku's PoV

The drive to the hospital only took about 5 minutes, but those 5 minutes were nothing more than fear, nervousness and intense pain - in Luka's case.

Eventually, though, we get there. Rin and I follow the paramedics through the waiting room.

"I think they might do and X-Ray.." Rin whispers as we are taken into a little  room. I shudder at her sentence.

"You think?" I whisper back, and Rin nods and we both sit on the seats next to the door.

Sure enough they had to do an X-Ray to see if there was really a shard of glass in the wound. I avert my gaze from the scene in front of me.

I overhear the nurses talking. Apparently there is some glass there, and they need to remove it as soon as they can.

Me and Rin went out the room and sat in the waiting area instead.

"Well, this is fun." Rin huffed.

I eye her.

"Be quiet." I tell her. Rin sighed, averting her gaze and leaning back in her seat, staring at the ceiling.

"Sorry, it's just... I didn't expect this to happen, y'know?" Rin says. I nod at her sentence.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." I whisper back. "I can't imagine what Luka's going through at the moment.."

Rin shudders at the words that come out of my mouth.

"I'd be petrified." Rin tells me, forcing a laugh. I look at her with a troubled expression.

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