Love is War - #50

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A/N: Omg - this is the 50th part of Vocal Academy! Not counting the authors notes though, otherwise it will be part 53 x3 anyway, to celebrate I've decided to make this chapter a little bit longer than the rest! Hope you enjoy~!

Last time: Gakupo took Luka to a park full of Sakura trees, and the couple went ice skating. Oh, and they took a fabulous selfie!

Luka's PoV

The date was absolutely amazing.

After ice skating, it began to snow. Gakupo took me to a small cafe, and we had fun getting to know each other as well as trying some amazing cakes and biscuits!

Then we went back outside and sat on the bank of the lake, just as it started to snow. Me and Gakupo sat side by side, watching as the tiny flakes of snow danced around before pitching on the ground. Eventually the park turned into a winter wonderland, with nothing but snow in sight.

I lay back in the snow, outstretching my arms and legs and making a snow angel.

Gakupo looked at me questioningly as I sit back up, giggling.

"Try it!" I smile. Gakupo lies next to me, doing the same motion as I did. He stands up, and steps back to admire what we have done. Lying in the snow are two snow angels.

Gakupo chuckles to himself as he takes out his smartphone and snaps a picture of the two figures in the snow.

In time, we start walking back to the car.

"Thank you for such an amazing day out." I say happily as he opens the car door for me.

"No problem. Anything for you, princess." He smiles with a wink. I giggle like a little girl as a light blush appears on my cheeks.

Gakupo gets in the car and turns on the engine. I look out of the window for one last look at the Sakura trees as we drive away.

All too soon we pull up outside of my house. I get out of the car, and unlock the front door. Gakupo approaches me from behind.

"Thanks for coming with me today. I've had a lot of fun." He says, and I nod my head in agreement to his words.

"I hope we can do it again sometime." I admit with a smile.

"Oh, we will - definitely!" Gakupo says. Just as I think he is going to turn away, he leans in and kisses my cheek.

I officially melt on the spot as he grins at me, before disappearing into his car. I wave at him as he drives away.

Rin's PoV

My phone makes a "ping!" sound as it receives notifications. I reach into my pocket and pull it out to see that Luka has sent a few photos to the group. She probably took them on her date today.

I smile to myself as I turn off my phone and carry on walking. I'm taking it that Luka has had an amazing day!

To be honest, I haven't done anything productive today.

I am currently walking home from the mall. I didn't have anything better to do, so I decided to go there and see if there were any cool clothes on for sale.

I approach the house. I am about to unlock the door, when I notice something in the corner of my eye.

I whip my head around, to see there is a girl with long hair tied in a ponytail standing by the house. I notice she is peering through one of the windows.

Wait... what?!

Alarmed, I unlock the front door and rush in the house.

"LEEEENN!!" I call for my brother. I hear him grunt before he yells back to me.

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