Chocolate Box Confessions - #79

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Last time: The quartet opened their Christmas presents ;u;

Luka's PoV

Iroha is sitting at the table; scribbling away with her new colouring pencils.

I am curled up on the sofa, reading a book I had got.

It was pretty interesting.

I am in the middle of the book when the doorbell rings.

I fold the corner of the page so I don't lose my place and close the book, jump off the sofa, walking over to the front door and opening it.

Standing before me, is a handsome guy with long purple hair and a gorgeous smile that I know only too well.

"Merry Christmas, Luka." He says, staring into my eyes.

"Merry Christmas. Please come in." I smile, opening the door wider and letting him come in.

Iroha looks up from her drawing, her gaze focused on Gakupo.

"Who's he?" Iroha asks.

"Oh, Iroha, this is Gakupo, my friend from school." I tell her. I see Gakupo smirk at the word 'friend'. I eye him suspiciously, but I decide not to ask.

I lead him over to the sofa and we sit on it together.

"Here, I've came here to give you this." Gakupo says, handing me a present.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Go ahead - open it." He tells me.

I nod and obey him, and unwrap the present. Inside is a box of chocolates.

I open it up, and what I see makes my heart skip a beat.

On each chocolate is a letter, and they all spell out 'will you be my girlfriend?'

"What do you think?" Gakupo asks.

I smile the biggest smile I've smiled in a while.

"Gakupo.." I whisper, putting the chocolates aside and throwing my arms around him. "Yes, I will."

Gakupo beams as he hugs me back. The hug lasts a while. Eventually, Gakupo pulls away, and blue eyes meet purple.

I smile, and Gakupo leans in. I close my eyes and our lips meet.

We kiss a passionate kiss, and I don't want this moment to end.

Gakupo pulls away, just as Iroha bounds over to us.

"So you were lying when you said you didn't have a boyfriend." Iroha says, raising her eyebrows. I laugh.

"Well, I do now." I say, and Gakupo smiles, placing his hand on top of mine.

Iroha smiles at the scene before turning away and walking back over to her little colouring station.

When we are sure Iroha is satisfied with what she is doing, Gakupo cups my face in his hands and we kiss once more.

Eventually we pull away, and he looks me in the eyes.

"I love you." He says, smiling.

Miku's PoV

"Roar!" Mikuo yells, coming up to me from behind and grabbing my shoulders.

I scream in shock, the nail polish Gumi gave me going all over my finger and the surface of the table.

"You baka..." I sigh, grabbing some kitchen paper and attempting to clear up the mess.

"Ha ha, sorry." Mikuo smirks. "I was just going to tell you that someone is at the door, he says he wants to talk to you."

My annoyed mood suddenly vanishes and my heart flutters as I take a wild guess at who this person at the door is.

"Okay then." I nod, jumping out of my seat and skipping to the front door.

Kaito is in the doorway, and he smiles when he sees me enter the room.

"Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas Miku!" Kaito laughs. I laugh along with him.

"Merry Christmas, Kaito!" I smile. "How are you?"

"I'm good. What about you?" Kaito asks, tilting his head and waiting for my answer.

"I've had a great day so far." I tell him, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"That's good to hear." Kaito smiles. "And by the way..."

Kaito hands me a presented that is wrapped in shiny turquoise wrapping paper. I smile, tearing the paper off.

Inside is a beautiful lace scarf, the same shade of turquoise as my hair.

"Thank you so much!" I say to Kaito, hugging him. Kaito giggles.

"No problem." He says, pulling away and giving me a wink.

"Would you like to stay for a while? I could make hot chocolate.." I offer.

"That sounds delicious, but I'm afraid I've got to go." Kaito sighs, shaking his head.

"Oh, okay. I understand." I tell him, attempting to hide my disappointment.

"Well, I hope you have a good day." Kaito smiles. "Ill see you soon."

"Bye Kaito!" I shout, waving. He waves back, and turns away, walking down the road.

I frown as he walks away from me, but that expression changes into a warm smile as I wrap the gorgeous scarf around my neck.

"Thank you." I whisper as I close the door.

Rin's PoV


"Ooh, Rin's got a text message!" my cousin Lenka says, grabbing my phone and turning it on.

"Hey!" I yell, snatching it from her. "That's none of your business."

Lenka pouts.

"You're mean.." She whines.

I tap in my passcode to see that Luka has messaged the group.

"What does it say?" Lenka asks, curious.

I read the massage through and gasp.

"What?" Len, Lenka and Rinto all ask in unison.

"Gakupo asked Luka to be his girlfriend!" I say in excitement.

"Tell your friend I say congrats." Lenka's older brother Rinto says, turning on his own phone.

"Ooh~ is he attractive?" Lenka asks, fluttering her lashes.

"No chance, Lenka." Len chuckles. "Rin just said he's no longer single."

"Aw, man." Lenka sighs.

My phone pings again. This time it's a message from Miku.

"Apparently Kaito popped around to Miku's apartment as well." I report. "No love confessions, though."

"She's the one that Meiko targets, right?" Lenka asks, admiring her nails.

"Yes." I growl.

"But good old Rin doesn't let that happen, or so I've heard." Rinto adds, looking up from his phone screen.

"That's right." Len sighs. "Those two have beaten the hell out of each other."

"Um, it's Christmas, let's talk about something a bit happier, please." Lenka says.

"That's the best idea you've had all day." I sigh, giggling quietly to myself. Lenka turns and gives me a glare.

"You what?"

"Never mind." I say, laughing and turning off my phone.

Narrator: and cut x3

Len: OOOH, Rin knows her comebacks~!

Rin: Remember when I asked for your opinion, Len? No, neither do I.

Rinto: OOOOHH.

Lenka: See you guys~

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