Expectations - #10

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Last time: Rin awoke in the middle of the night from a "nightmare". To her surprise, Len was there to help her.

Rin's PoV

It's morning. Len and I are back to being our usual, ignorant selves. Despite our distant behaviour, we haven't forgotten the events that took place last night - I guess we just don't want to talk about it.

I am sat quietly in the kitchen, completing my daily morning routine of eating some delicious oranges. Im not sure what exactly Len's up to,but by now, that's nothing new - we hardly ever bump into each other in the mornings before school.

I finish eating and then run back upstairs to sort my hair out, rushing two steps at a time.

I brush through my thick blonde hair, before placing my usual oversized bow on my head. I pack my bag swiftly and get ready to head to school once again.


I spot the big, silver gates as we approached the school. The taxi slows to a stop, and I jump out, thanking the driver hurriedly before I walk into school.

I head straight to homeroom, avoiding all eye contact with teenagers passing by in the narrow corridors. I rush over to my desk before slumping into my seat and slamming my head onto the wooden surface.

I don't want to face another day...

I heard two familiar voices drawing closer, though I don't lift my head up to see who's approaching.

Two girls walk in the room, laughing and chatting. I feel their gazes focus on me as they skip over.

"Hi Rin." Miku greets me as she bounces over to my desk, with Luka following close behind.

"Is everything okay, Rin?" Luka asks me in her usual, calm voice. I don't respond to her question.

Miku and Luka stay quiet for a few moments. Get exchange worries glances before focusing their attention on me once again. "Rin?" They both ask in unison.

I just sigh in response.

"Rin, what's the matter? You can tell us if something is wrong.." Miku tells me quietly, placing her hand on mine.

I look up at them and try to smile. "N-nothing's wrong! I'm just... er, tired! Yeah, tired..." I tell them, which isn't exactly a complete lie. "I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep very easily..." I add in an inaudible voice, so they can't hear.

"Um, can you repeat that please?" Luka asks. "I didn't quite catch what you said."

"No. I can't repeat it." I huff. At that moment, a certain blond hair boy walks into the room quietly.

Our eyes met as he trudges over to his seat. Luka begins walking over to him -perhaps about to ask him why I'm 'acting so strange'. Panicked, I grab onto her arm, preventing her from walking over to him.

She glances at me, looking a little confused.

Unfortunately, Miku had beat Luka to it - she was already at Len's desk.

Len's PoV.

I sit at my desk nonchalantly, only to realise that Miku has approached me, and is standing in front of my desk and is looking at me quizzically.

"Hi Len." she greets me. She smiles, but it seems forced.

"Hi." I respond, ditching my usual cheerful tone of voice. With the confusing thoughts from last night, I don't even know if faking happiness would work.

Miku eyes me suspiciously. "Do you know what's wrong with Rin? I'm kinda worried about her." she ask.

"No, I don't know." I lie. Miku searches my face for any sign I could be lying, but doesn't seem to find any.

"Hm, okay then.." She muttered. "Thanks anyway!" She smiles and turns away to go back over to Rin. I stare after her, watching silently as they try to convince my sister to tell them what was wrong.

I smile a small, faint smile to myself.

She's progressing.

Luka's PoV

"Hm?" I stop short, before turning around to see Rin grabbing onto my arm, preventing me from going over to speak to Len. Miku notices, and quickly rushes over to Len, before Rin has the chance to stop her.

I look back at the blonde girl. "Seriously. What's wrong?" I ask her. She hesitates.

"It's personal - mind your own business!" She snaps suddenly, burying her face in her hands again. I shame my head at her sharp words.

"Rin, please.." I begin, but I am cut off by Miku, who was already back from her short discussion with Len. She glances at me and shakes her head, her teal pigtails mimicking her movement.

"Rin, we are your friends. We don't want to see you like this.. we want to help you." Miku insists. Rin flinches visibly at this sentence, and turns her head to look at us with angered cerulean eyes.

"If you are my friends," she yells, "then why don't you respect my wish of being left alone-?!"

Miku and I exchanged unsure glances, and look back at Rin. She gets up, slamming her hands on the desk as she does so, before running out if the classroom, seconds before the teacher strides in. Everyone else in the classroom stare after her, whispering among themselves.

"Was that Rin?" The teacher glances behind her, following the direction of the blonde. "Where is she going?"

"I'm sorry about her. Miku and I will go and get her." I apologise quickly, nodding my head at Miku.

Len voluntarily stands up. "I'll come as well, please." He decides, before the three of us run out the room, searching for the troubled girl.

Narrator: Welp that's all for now! X3


Narrator: No reason. Anyway, sorry about ANOTHER sad chapter, THE NEXT ONES HAPPIER!!

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