Scared For Her - #84

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Last time: A lot of pain, and Teto appeared and Rin managed to dial the emergency number.

Rin's PoV

"Thank you.. Please hurry." I urge, pulling the phone away from my ear and ending the call.

Teto looks at me, confusion showing in her red eyes.

"Did you call the ambulance?" She asks me, wide-eyed.

I sigh, nodding my head and handing her phone back to her. She takes it and stuffs it in her bag.

"What happened?" She asks curiously.

"Meiko again - this time she's hurt Luka, and... It's bad." I explain quietly.

"Oh my god! Is she okay?" Teto asks.

"I-I don't know." I mutter, looking down at the floor and clenching my fists.

"Where is she?" Teto asks.

I nod over in the direction Miku and Luka are at. Teto and I make our way back over to them.

Miku looks up as we approach her.

"Oh, hi Teto." Miku greets her, forcing a smile.

Teto just nods, looking at Luka with pity.

"I've used Teto's phone to call the ambulance." I explain. "They should be here soon."

Miku nods, looking slightly more relieved and relaxed. But then her face clouds over.

"Luka still hasn't woke up. I.. I'm not sure-" Miku stops talking, biting her lip.

I sigh, playing with a strand of short blonde hair nervously.

"Well, Im sorry, but I've got to go." Teto says softly. "Give me a call as soon as you can to let me know how she's doing."

"Will do." Miku nods. "Thank you, Teto."

"No problem." Teto smiles a small smile and turns her back, walking away.

Miku and I are left in silence, waiting for the ambulance to come.

Miku sighs.

"I'm scared." She admits.

I sit beside her, combing my fingers through one of her turquoise twin tails.

"It'll be okay." I whisper.

Miku doesn't look too convinced, her eyes are still full of fear and worry.

"I have a feeling it's worse than we think..." She sighs.

I raise my eyebrows.

"Don't tempt fate, Miku." I tell her. "Everything will be okay."

"I hope so." Miku nods.

Soon, the two bright flashing lights of the ambulance could be seen through the mist, and it parks just outside the school gates.

Miku and I wait, holding out breath as two paramedics get out of the ambulance and rush over to us.

"What's happened?" The lady asks.

Me and Miku exchange glances before telling them what happened.

"We weren't sure exactly how bad it was. I've been trying to cover the wound to stop the bleeding.." Miku explains, drawing her hand away.

The other paramedic takes a look at Luka's wound, whilst the lady carries on asking us questions.

"What's her name?"

"How old is she?"

"What are your names?"

"Do you suspect any other injuries other than the cut?"

I look at Miku, who takes a deep breath before responding.

"Im not sure - I'm no expert at this stuff - however she was coughing up blood and some point, and the area around her wound was really sensitive - especially her stomach." Miku says, shuddering.

A/N: Im not sure how accurate this is, however I did a bit of research, and it mentioned coughing up blood and the stomach being quite tender and sensitive. So yeah xP

She nods at Miku's explanation, her eyebrows furrowed as Miku talks.

"I see.." She says, and walks over to the man, and they begin talking, most likely discussing what's wrong with Luka and what they are going to do about her.

Me and Miku look at each other, quite frightened.

"The way she responded.. This probably isn't good news." Miku says.

"Let's just hope that it isn't as bad as we are beginning to suspect.." I tell her.

Miku sighs, clenching her fists. I notice that she is visibly trembling.

I hug her tightly, and she hugs me back equally as tightly.

We stay in that position, the distant voices as the paramedics discuss things through and wind howling. The rain is still pouring down as the clouds cry above our heads, and Miku and I both allow ourselves to whimper and cry.

Eventually the paramedics come back over to us, and we pull away from each other, looking at the paramedics and waiting for them to tell us what they had to say.

"We are suspecting that your friend may have internal bleeding." One of them says. "It is also apparent that there is an object deep within the wound."

Miku looks down, a guilty expression crossing over her face.

"I must have pressed it in deeper.." She mumbles.

"It's not your fault. You didn't know." I tell her, rubbing her back in attempt to make her feel better.

And so, the paramedics place the unconscious Luka on a stretcher, and wheel her into the ambulance.

Miku jumps up and rushed to one of the paramedics.

"Excuse me, can we come along? With our friend?" Miku asks with sad eyes.

The paramedic sighs and allows us to come along.

"Thank goodness." Miku muttered under her breath as we get in the ambulance, taking a seat.

The ambulance starts moving, and the sirens start blaring.

Miku winces at the sudden loud noise.

"I hope she wakes up soon.." I sigh, looking at Luka.

Miku looks at her as well, gulping and clenching her fists.

"The paramedics said that.. she might have internal bleeding.." Miku whispers.

"Internal bleeding?!" I repeat, wide-eyed. Miku nods, refusing to make eye contact.

Internal bleeding... Wait a second... That me as there a chance that she-

I shake my head, trying to stop these thoughts. But no matter how hard I try, they refuse to leave my head, and I'm stuck with them haunting me.

Miku slowly looks up at me.

"Are you okay..?" She asks quietly. I look at her, sighing.

"Don't worry about me." I tell her. Miku nods hesitantly, and we both turn to look at Luka, who still has her eyes fluttered shut.

Narrator: and cut.


Author: I did =w=


Author: ...

Miku: Sayonara~

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