Morning - #16

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Last time: Miku refused to tell Rin and Luka about her date, leaving the two very curious indeed.

Iroha's PoV

I wake up, expecting to see Onee-chan [big sister. Iroha is referring to Luka] come the room and tell me to get up, like she normally does. She doesn't come in.

I frown to myself, kicking off the covers and sliding out of the bed.

I stuff my feet into my little bunny slippers and sneak into her room.

"Onee-chan?" I whisper. No reply. I see her sitting at her desk, asleep. She must have been doing schoolwork.

I walk over to her, and start shaking her in attempt to wake her up. She starts to slowly wake up.

"Huh? Iroha?" she says, before yawning. "What's the matter?"

I look at her.

"You didn't come in to wake me up like you usually do, so I came in here to see why." I explained. "You were asleep, Onee-chan."

The second I say that, her eyes open wide.

"You're saying I fell asleep?!" She says, sounding panicky. I nodded.

"You shouldn't stay up so late." I said with a pout. She sighed.

"I have to." she told me, "go and get yourself ready for school. I'll make you some breakfast in a second."

I nodded at her instructions and bounced back into my room. I pulled out my school uniform and quickly changed into it. Then, I pulled my hair into a ponytail.

"I'm ready~!" I called, skipping back into Onee-chan's room, who is brushing her hair.

"Okay.." she said, dropping her brush and following me into the kitchen. She simply made us some toast. Toast isn't my favourite, but I didn't complain. It's all we had at the moment.

We quickly ate our breakfast, and then I packed my bag and stood outside with Onee-chan to wait for the bus.

"Have you got everything?" Onee-chan checked.

"Yup!" I replied. The school bus then pulled up by our house, and I climbed in.

"Bye, Onee-chan!" I call, "don't work to hard!"

And with that, the doors close, and I go and sit with my friends.

Luka's PoV

I watch as the bus drives away. I quickly jog back into the house, gather up my stuff and then begin making my way to school.

The route is all too familiar by now.

If I go down the street, cut through the park, and walk along the main road, I get there within ten minuets.

I hum to myself as I walk.


Eventually, I come by two familiar silver gates. I walk through them and into my hectic school.

I begin making my way to the building, but suddenly, I feel someone nudge me - probably with a little more force than they'd intended.

"Ah-! Hey!" I yelp as I stumble sideways.

"Oops. Sorry!" Rin says, giving me an innocent smile. I sigh.

"You could've at least warned me..." I mumble.

Rin pouted.

"What's the fun in that? You would've knew what I was going to do to you. It would be boring." Rin explained.

"Don't do it at all then!" I shouted.

"Okay, okay!" Rin said with a teasing smile.

We begin making our way to the building.

Rin looked at me as we walked.

"You look tired. No sleep again?" she asked.

"I stayed up until half twelve, and fell asleep in the middle of doing homework. Iroha had to wake me up." I explained.

"Oh." Rin said, as we walked into our home room.

Rin looked around the room. It was empty, with no-one else in sight.

"That's funny. Miku's usually here by now." she said. I nodded.

"Yeah. Who knows, she could've overslept." I suggested, giggling to myself.

"Possibly." Rin agreed, giggling along with me. We sat at our desks and began talking about things, until eventually, the door opened.

Rin's head turned toward the door the millisecond she heard it open.

"Hey, Miku!" She said cheerfully.

Miku walked into the room with a sigh.

Okay, she's not in the best of moods...

Narrator: Aaaaand we will end it there! :3

Iroha: See you next time! X3

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