Cute Yet Cold - #2

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Last Time: Miku just arrived at her new school, and had got lost trying to find her way to homeroom. Luckily, Kaito was there to help out. However, when he gave Miku a sweet smile, she felt like she was going to melt.


Miku's PoV

I sat and stared out of the window for what seemed like a decade when suddenly, I was interrupted by sudden noise. I glance over towards the door to find a group students crowding two blondes. One looked like he was enjoying the attention, but the other didn't, instead looking like she would rather be anywhere but here. She quickly escapes the group and slumps down into the seat next to me, breathing out a long sigh.

I blink. She has short, blonde, shoulder length hair and an oversized bow placed on top of her head.

"Why do you do this, Len..." I hear her mumble, staring down at the desk with an unreadable expression.

"Hey, are you okay there...?" I ask her. The girl looks at me and gives me a cold stare, her reaction surprising me.

"What do you think?" She snaps, staring at me with anger in her eyes. Her sharp words send chills down my spine. What's her problem...?

I notice the blonde boy from before, now in front of her desk. He's looking at me and smiling.

"You must be new here. I'm Kagamine Len, and this is my twin sister, Kagamine Rin." Len smiled. Mirrored sound, huh...?

"I-I'm Hatsune Miku!" I say smiling back and dipping my head politely.

"Cute name." He nods, causing me to smile uncertainly - I'm not used to this sort attention.

"Um.. Th-thanks.." I stutter, blushing slightly. Len nods, the smile not leaving his face. Rin then kicks his leg from under the table.

"Hey! What was that for?!" Len whines. Rin just looks at him with an annoyed expression on her face. Len turns back to face me with a sigh.

"Sorry about her..." He apologises. I nod slowly as he walks off to find a seat.

I look at Rin. She has a cute appearance, but has a rather dark personality; definitely not someone I want to mess with.

Rin catches me staring, and she raises an eyebrow, her gaze burning into me.

"What are you staring at?" she asks me coldly.

"Nothing.... sorry...." I respond quickly, averting my gaze and staring down at the desk.

The teacher then enters the room, and all the noise and chatting slowly dies down.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Today, we have a new student joining us, Hatsune Miku." she looks at me with a welcoming smile. "Do you want to come up here and introduce yourself?"

"Um, sure." I nod my head nervously and make my way to the front of the classroom.

"Hi everyone! My name is Hatsune Miku. It's nice to meet you all!" I introduce myself, bowing politely. I hear people talking among themselves, judging me.

Voice of the future..?

She's pretty cute.

I noticed Rin studying me the whole time with her usual arrogant look. At some point, our eyes met, though she just averts her gaze and stares into space instead.

I smile at my new classmates before taking my seat again.

Rin's PoV

This Miku girl... I'm not sure what to think of her.

Yes, I acted aggressive towards her. I realise that much, and to be honest, I kinda wish I didn't.

She seems nice enough...

Then again, I don't have many friends. I always end up hurting them in some way or another. Because of this, I've ended up shutting everyone out.

I guess that's what happened between Len and I...

Miku's PoV

My first class here was a bore. The teacher was talking about God-knows-what.. I wasn't really listening, and I don't think Rin was either. She had a slightly hurt look on her face all through homeroom.

It's probably nothing... I don't get that girl at all. One minute she looks upset and the next she hates everything and everyone.

Eventually the bell rings, signalling the end of homeroom. I steal a glance at my schedule to see I have maths next. I groan to myself. Great...

I pack my bag swiftly and leave the room. I manage to find my designated classroom easily enough, which is good.


At last, it is lunch time. I quickly pack my bag and rush over to the cafeteria. I sit at a small table in the far corner of the large room, take out my bento [a Japanese lunch box] and begin thoughtfully eating.

"Is this seat occupied?"

A voice behind me makes me twist around, surprised to find blue eyes staring back at me. The girl standing beside me has long, pink hair the colour of cherry blossoms, and she's looking at me hopefully.

"No, it isn't." I smile at the girl as she sits down, and takes her own bento out of her bag.

"So, you're Miku, correct?" She asks me, tilting her head to one side and flashing me a friendly, somewhat shy smile.

"Yeah." I reply with a nod of my head.

"I'm Megurine Luka. I hope we can be friends."

Narrator: Aaaaand cut! :3 Arigatō, and sayonara~!

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