Truth or Lies? - #23

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Last time: More karaoke sessions, and after the groups day out Miku asked Luka if she could go with her to pick up Iroha, Luka's little sister, from her friends house.

Iroha's PoV

Me and my friend Yuki are drawing!

She has lots and lots of colouring pencils. I wish I can have as many as she does...

I am drawing a cute neko [cat] and colouring it with different shades of red.

Yuki looks up from her drawing.

"Can I have the red please?" she asks.

I hesitate. I'm not finished with it yet, but whatever...

"Sure." I say, handing it over.

As she gets back to colouring, I peer over her shoulder to see what she has drawn.

She has drawn three objects - an apple, some pudding, and a recorder.

"Why have you drawn them?" I ask, pointing to her drawing.

Yuki looks at me, looking a little hurt.

"Don't you like it?" she asks.

"I do like it. I'm just wondering." I say.

Yuki looks relieved.

"Well... they are my favourite things." she explains.

"Oh, okay." I nodded.

Then I hear Yuki's mum call from the kitchen.

"Yuki, Iroha, Luka's here!" She says.

Me and Yuki groan. I don't want to leave yet!

Sure enough, Luka appears in the doorway of the room a few seconds after, with a girl with long hair standing behind her.

Luka looks at me sternly.

"Come on Iroha, it's time to go." she says.

I sigh.

"I don't want to yet!" I complain.

Luka sighs.

"I'm sorry, but we have to. You'll see Yuki on Monday." Luka says.

"Monday's a school day." Yuki frowns.

I sigh, giving up.

"Bye Yuki!" I say hugging her.

Yuki hugs me back.

"Bye Iroha. Don't forget your drawing!" Yuki says, grabbing my drawing and giving it to me.

I turn to Luka and the other girl.

Luka leads me out of the house.

"Iroha, this is my friend Miku." Luka introduced me to her friend.

"Hi!" Miku said cheerfully.

"Hi Miku!" I smile.

Miku turns to Luka, "your sister is so adorable!" she exclaims.

I smile. Everyone says that!

"Right. Let's go home then." Luka says.

I frown.

"Wait!" I say. Luka and Miku both look at me and blink.

I hold up my drawing of a red neko [cat] smiling proudly.

"Do you like it?" I ask.

"That's amazing, Iroha." Luka smiles.

"Kawaiiiiii~!!" Miku squeals.

Luka shakes her head, grinning at her friends reaction.

We start walking home. Eventually Miku has to take a different route.

She hugs me.

"It was nice to meet you, Iroha!" she smiles.

"You too." I say shyly.

Miku waves goodbye and then skips down the street.

Luka smiles and mumbles, "that girl is full of surprises."

"Eh?" I look at her and tilt my head.

I am about to ask what she meant by that, but Luka has already started walking on ahead.

I shrug to myself and run to catch up with her.

Miku's PoV

This has been a great day!

I think that to myself as I walk down the pavement heading home.

It has been fun, and there have been some twists, but it's a day I'll remember forever.

I smile to myself as I unlock the front door.

I go to my room and flop down on my bed and turn my phone on.

I go on one of the many social medias I have and start scrolling down through my feed.

I like random things until something catches my eye.

It's a post from Kaito.

It wasn't posted very long ago, maybe a couple of hours ago.

I read it, and what I read causes me to tear up.

It says:

Went to the mall and heard Hatsune sing. She was awful, I'm pretty sure my ears bled.

I turn my phone off.

How could this be..?

Kaito told me he liked my singing...

Did he lie to me?

I go over this nightmare scenario in my head a few times, before my phone delivers a notification.

It is our group chat.


Thanks for an amazing day, everyone.

Thank U! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Yea the arcade was cool


It was nice.


Ikr I got the CUTEST outfit!!!

I got the coolest PlayStation game.

I got this pretty dress Miku picked out for me. Thank you Miku. (^_^)

It's okay.

Guys I have a question.

And what might that be? (^^)


Go ahead Miku!

Did Kaito say he liked my singing? Or was that just wishful thinking?

He definitely said that. (^o^)

Why do you ask?

Check Twitter...



Oh my God, that JERK!!! (つД')ノ

I'm sorry, Miku.

How COULD he DO such a thing!?

Idk, but it's getting late and I'm going to go now and clear my brain. Bye guys. (;_;)

NIGHT xoxo


See u.

Narrator: And we shall end it there.
Arigato for reading, see you in the next part! x3

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