Jealousy - #36

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Last time: Len got a detention, and Miku started hanging out with Kaito.

Kaito's PoV

"Thanks for walking me, Kaito!" Miku smiled.

"No problem, it's the least I can do." I smile back.

Miku turns around and unlocks the door. She steps in her apartment and turns back to face me.

"See you tomorrow!" She chirps.

"See you tomorrow." I repeat, winking. She giggled, blushing, and closed the door.

I turn around, my heart aching from her sweetness.

I frown, thinking about what Meiko would say if she knew about all this.

I sigh, pushing it to the back of my mind, and carry on walking through a cold November evening.


Luka's PoV

It's been about a week, and I haven't seen that purple haired guy around at all.

Len told me his name was Gakupo.

I don't know why I want to see him so bad, I just do.

Also, Miku and Kaito are getting really quite close, and every time I see them together I feel a sharp pain in my chest.

What's going on..?

At the moment, I am sitting at my desk in homeroom. Rin is sitting next to me, talking about stuff that I'm not really paying attention to.

Miku and Kaito are together - again.

Sensei walks in and demands silence.

Miku rushes to her seat behind me, and Kaito goes over to wherever the hell he sits.

Sensei looks around the class.

"We have a new student joining us today." He declared, and the class started noisily talking about who this "new student" could be.

The teacher tells us to be quiet, and the new student walks in.

She has long, pale pink hair. The front is tied in two short braids, each resting over her shoulders.

"This is IA." The teacher smiles, and IA waved at us all, before going to an empty desk and sitting down.

Everyone seemed fascinated by her presence, and went over to her and started asking her questions. Miku got up and went over to the new girl, determined to start a conversation.

I remained seated, and so did Rin.

Sensei turned to the computer and started doing whatever teachers do, and the class soon left IA alone and broke up into small groups, chatting about the latest fashion trends and celebrities.

Miku ended her conversation with IA, and goes off to find Kaito. I frown as I watch them from a distance as they chat and joke.

IA seems to have noticed my odd behaviour, and has walked over to me.

"Hey. Everything okay?" she asked with a friendly smile.

I look at IA with hesitation, before sighing and deciding to tell her what's on my mind.

"My friend over there has recently been getting friendly with her crush." I explain, nodding towards them. "Every time I see them, I feel like I can't accept their relationship."

IA takes in what I have just told her, and nods slowly.

"I see. Well, that's because your jealous of your friend." IA tells me.

"J-jealous!?" I stammer. IA simply nods.

"Afraid so." IA says, and wanders off.

I stare after her in disbelief. Surely that's not true... or is it..?

I sigh, and shake my head.


I am sitting on the roof with Miku.

Miku is gushing about her and Kaito.

"He even walked me home! He was so nice and caring..." she went on and on about Kaito this and Kaito that.

Eventually, I let out a long sigh, causing Miku to shut up.

"What's wrong?" She asked, noticing my behaviour.

There's no point in hiding it anymore.

"The thing is... recently you've just been spending all of your spare time with Kaito. It makes me feel almost as if I can't stand it anymore." I tell her. "Plus, Meiko is after Kaito, and wants him more than anything at the moment. She won't give up just because of your pathetic little hang-outs and chit-chats!"

By now, words are pouring out of me like a waterfall, and I am unable to stop it.

"Meiko is more powerful and devoted than you are. That's why you should just give up - Kaito will never, ever chose you over someone like Meiko!"

By now I am shouting. I am finally able to shut my mouth.

Miku is stunned into silence. She processes the words that I accidentally fired at her.

"So that's how you really feel about me then, huh?" She said, her blue eyes filling with tears. Before I can say anything else, she runs off.

I walk over to the edge of the roof and peer down at the scenery that lies below me.

"What have I done...?" I mutter to myself, sitting down and burying my head in my hands.

Narrator: And cut.

Rin: Woah, Luka - just woah.

Luka: Pffft. It's just some stupid fanfic. I would never do anything like this... o.o'

Miku: Yeah, well, remember the time I took your tuna?

Luka: that was different. =_=


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