Luka's Backstory - #61

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Last time: Luka listened to a conversation between Kaito, Miku and Rin, and ran off upset.

Miku's PoV

I stand still, taking in the scene before me.

Luka is sitting, hugging her knees to her chest.

I slowly approach her, taking her hand away from her knee and holding it in mine.

Luka looks up, startled.

"What are you guys doing here..?" She whispers.

Rin walks over to us, and sits next to Luka.

"Luka.. we know you're hurting at the moment, and we want to help you." I say.

Luka hesitates before speaking.

"I'm sorry." She says. "Every time I heard you guys talking about how you could get me to tell you what's wrong, it just somehow reminded me of something that I would have never wanted to have experienced." Luka sniffed.

"We're sorry to try and force it out of you.." I sigh.

"We were just really worried.. we wanted to help you, not see you sad." Rin added.

Luka takes a deep breath.

"I'm going to tell you." She decides.

Rin and I fall silent, waiting to hear what Luka has to say.

Luka's PoV

"This happened when I was about ten years old - Iroha would have been about four."

"I lived with both of my parents. Up until my tenth birthday we were such a happy family, and I never would have dared to think what happens to us would happen."

"My mother and father stared fighting. At first it was small disagreements, but they soon got worse and worse, up until the point that every night, at about eleven to twelve at night, I would hear them downstairs fighting."

"One day I heard my mother scream in fear. I crept out of bed and went downstairs to see what was happening... and the scene in front of me is something I will never forget."

"My mother was against the living room wall, and my dad was holding a knife against her throat. I was absolutely terrified. I screamed at my father, telling him to let my mother go. Every time I protested, he cut the knife deeper into my mothers neck."

"Eventually he let her go. She fell to the ground, and my father walked over to me. He said I was a failure and that he wished I would just get out of his life."

"He raised the knife. By now, my mother was screaming at him, telling him not to harm me. He swung the knife, and cut my arm and my stomach open."

"He then walked back over to my mother, and stabbed her in the heart, yelling something that sounded like "This is how much I love you". Then I remember him getting a hammer and smashing the window, jumping through it and running away."

"By now my mother was dead. I remember crawling over to her in a great deal of pain, shaking her, trying to get her to wake up. Of course, she never did."

"The ambulance came and took me to the hospital, and they took Iroha to a foster home. Once I was allowed out of the hospital, Iroha's foster parents let me live with them."

"We were happy for a couple of years, but one day, our foster mother abandoned us in an alleyway. I remember Iroha screaming for her to come back..... I-I just...."

Uncontrollable tears are flowing from my eyes.

"L-Luka..." Rin whispered, speechless at my story.

Miku pulled me into a hug. I allowed myself to cry on her shoulder.

"I am so, so, so sorry, Luka.." Miku says quietly, her own voice cracking, hinting that she was in tears to.

I don't reply, I just carry on sobbing.

We stay like that for a good five minutes.

I pull away from Miku, and take a shaky breath.

"The wounds from my father never properly healed.." I say, rolling up my blazer sleeve to show them a long cut.

"Oh my God.." Rin says, covering her mouth.

"I have another one on the side of my stomach... It was truly the worst experience of my whole entire life." I sigh, my eyes misting with tears again.

This time Rin wraps her arms around me.

"The reason I work so hard.. is because I want to make up for all of that." I whisper. "I want Iroha to live a happy childhood... I don't want her to reflect on the bad things. So the only way I can afford to keep her happy... is to work... continuously... even if I feel like I can't do it... I-I have to..."

The tears flow down my face again as Rin hugs me tightly.

"That must have been really tough..." Rin whispers. I nod slowly, crying.

Suddenly, Len races around the corner.

"Ah, I've found...... you......" Len stops talking once he spots me in my current state. "What's wrong with Luka?!"

Miku looks up at Len.

"She's just having memories from her childhood, but they aren't very good ones..." Miku sighs.

Len jogs over to us.

"Are you okay, Luka?" He asks softly.

I just sigh, not having the energy to tell him how I am feeling.

"She's quite emotional at the moment." Rin tells her twin brother. Len nods slowly.

I pull away from Rin, turn to face Len and show him the scar on my arm.

"Jesus... How did that happen?" He asks.

Rin looks at me, as if wanting permission to tell Len. I nod slowly.

"Her dad did it to her. He was trying to attack her mother, but Luka was yelling at him to stop, so he used a knife and cut down her arm and across her stomach." Rin told him.

I hide my face in my hands, letting myself cry softly.

Miku rubs my back softly in attempt to comfort me.

Everyone stayed silent as I cried, not knowing what else to do.

Eventually I calm down enough to talk to them.

"Thank you for being so understanding.." I tell them.

"You're welcome.." Rin whispered, gently taking hold of my hand.

"It's just... hard, seeing how quickly someone's life can crumble into an uncontrollable mess..." I say, wiping tears from my eyes.

"We understand." Miku says, hugging me. We stay that way until the bell rings.

Narrator: We shall end it there.


Vocaloids: ;;;-;;;

Narrator: Arigato and sayonara~ :3

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