Merry Christmas - #78

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Last time: The highlight of last time was Len in a Christmas pudding costume. :3

Luka's PoV

"Wake up! Wake up!"

I feel someone grab my shoulders and shake me. I slowly open my eyes to see Iroha, a big grin on her face.

"Merry Christmas." I yawn, sitting up. "Did Santa come?"

"He did!" Iroha smiles. "Come on, get up!"

"Okay, okay." I laugh, and Iroha drags me out of bed and into her own room. She doesn't have a Christmas stocking, so the presents are set nearly on the floor, next to her bed.

"Can I open them?" An excited Iroha asks me.

"Let's bring them into the living room. You can open them in there." I tell her. Iroha nods and gathers up her presents, and we go into the living room.

"Now I'll open them." Iroha says, smiling. I sit in the sofa and watch as she tears the wrapping paper off the presents.

"Oh my gosh!" She squeals in excitement.

"What did you get?" I ask her. Iroha looks at me and beams, holding up a pack of colouring pencils in delight.

"I really wanted some more colouring pencils!" She smiles.

"Yes, you did. Now, what's in the next one?" So Iroha carries in unwrapping the presents.

Soon, she has unwrapped a colouring book, a pair of gloves, some books, a cute scarf, hair bows, and even some chocolate.

"There are still some presents under the tree." Iroha points out, nodding towards the Christmas tree. It doesn't have many decorations on it, but it does the job.

Iroha runs over to the tree and grabs the present nearest to her. She reads the label before slipping back over to me.

"This ones for you." She says, handing it to me. "It's from Rin."

I smile and open it up. Inside is an adorable pink neko [cat] hat.

"This is so cute.." I mutter to myself, putting it on. Iroha smiles.

"Now we match!" She points out, and I laugh.

She returns to the tree and gets another one, and hands it over.

"From Miku." She reports.

I open the small, box-shaped present. Inside is a small box. I blink and open it. Inside is a necklace.

I take it out, to see that it is a friendship necklace.

"That's sweet." I smile, putting it on.

"Yes." Iroha agrees. "Now let's carry on opening presents!"

Rin's PoV

"Merry Christmas, my annoying twin brother." I smirk, handing over my present for him.

"Why thank you." He says, taking it and opening it up.

I watch as he tears off the wrapping paper, screwing it into a ball and tossing it across the room.

"No way!" He says, opening the box. Inside is the headset.

"You're welcome." I smile.

He gently places it back in the box.

"Thank you. Here's yours." He says, handing me a present.

"I wonder what it could be.." I mutter, tearing off the wrapping paper. Inside is a box. I open it up and I am greeted to many oversized hair bows of all different colours and patterns.

"Wow!" I gasp, taking one out. It is different shades of blue.

"I hope you like it." He grins.

"I do. Thank you!" I smile.

I leave Len to open his other presents, and I decide to open Miku's next.

I tear of the wrapping paper and open the small box inside, to see a necklace.

"Oh cool, it's a friendship necklace!" I say, admiring the cute necklace.

Then I open the one Luka had given me yesterday. It is orange scented nail polish.

"Wow." I say, unscrewing the lid and sniffing it. And to my surprise, it smells like orange. "I wonder if it tastes like oranges, too..."

I'd rather not find out, though.

Miku's PoV

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I usually dread that sound, but not today.

My alarm isn't telling me it's time to somehow survive another school day.

Today it's saying 'get up you idiot! It's Christmas Day!'

I leap out of bed, not bothering to brush my hair yet. I whiz downstairs to see Mikuo is already awake, eating leek soup.

"Ohayo [morning] and merry Christmas, onii-chan!" I say, bouncing over to him.

"Merry Christmas!" Mikuo replies, smiling.

I inhale the soup he had made us and jump out of my seat.

"Can we open our Christmas presents?" I ask. Mikuo chuckles to himself.

"I don't see why not." He says. I beam and skip over to the tree.

I look at the presents and decide to open one from Mikuo first.

I unwrap the present to see a gorgeous flower crown. I gasp and place it in my head.

"I hope you like it." Mikuo smiles.

"It's beautiful - I love it!" I squeal, running over to Mikuo and throwing my arms around him. "Thank you, onii-chan!"

"It's the least I could do for my dear imouto." Mikuo smiles.

I skip back over to the tree and pull out a present with golden wrapping paper.

"This one is from Rin." I tell myself, thoughtfully unwrapping the present, wondering what it could be.

Inside is a phone case, decorated with leeks and music notes.

"She must have made the design." I smile. "It's amazing."

I grab my phone and take of the phone case that is currently on it, and replace with this new, leek and music themed one.

Next I grab the one from Luka. It feels rather soft, so I wonder what it could be.

I open it up to find out that it is a leek plush. I laugh.

"This is awesome." I say, hugging the leek plush.

Mikuo walks over to me.

"So what did your friends get you?" He asks. I smile and show him the leek plush and phone case. "Wow, very leek themed."

"I know." I smile. "My friends know me too well."

Mikuo laughs and ruffles my hair.

"Careful, I'm wearing the flower crown you gave me!" I laugh.

"Sorry." Mikuo smiles. "Merry Christmas."

Narrator: And we will end it there. Is that okay, Rin?

Rin: Yep :3

Len: Thank goodness XD

Rin: x3 see you all in the next one~!

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