Detention - #46

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Last time: Miku tells Rin about her past and the trio get ready for school.

Miku's PoV

Rin, Len and I all walked to school together, laughing and chatting.

Even though I mostly feel happy, deep down I still feel scared... of her.


The memory of yesterday is still fresh in my mind, and sends shivers down my spine every time I think about it.

Meiko is a strong girl, not to mention very popular. If I get on her nerves, she could easily...

I stop in my tracks as I think of all the possible outcomes in my head.

Rin and Len also stop, looking at me.

"What's wrong, Miku?" Len asks.

I blink slowly and look at them both, their faces both showing the same expression - genuine concern.

I smile at them.

"I'm fine! Come on, let's carry on walking." I tell them, walking ahead. They exchange glances, and follow me.

Soon we come across the big metal gates, indicating we have reached the schools entrance.

Standing by the gate is Luka.

She spots us, smiles a relieved smile and runs over to us.

"Miku! Are you feeling better?" Luka asks.

"A lot better. I stayed at Rin and Len's house, they looked after me." I explained, smiling thankfully at the twins.

"That's good." Luka nodded, and together we all walked towards the school building.

Luka was telling us about the fact that she had been continuously texting us last night to make sure I was okay.

Rin frowns at Luka's remark and turns on her phone. Sure enough, the screen displays many unread notifications.

"Heh heh... oops..." Rin says foolishly, scratching the back of her head. Luka rolls her eyes, giggling slightly.

We start heading to homeroom.

That's when I feel someone grab my arm. They use their other hand to cover my mouth.

I shudder. I don't need to turn around to know who this is.

"Yes, Meiko?" I mumble, my voice muffled.

Meiko releases her hand off my mouth and spins me around to face her.

"Your luck has run out." Meiko grinned.

"What are you talking about..?" I ask, trying to hide my fear.

Meiko laughs.

"Kaito. He's on my side now." She says.

Her words make me recall the event from yesterday.

How Kaito rushed over to Meiko when he saw us.

How he believed every lie that came out of Meiko's mouth.

"I... I don't... I can't believe you." I whisper, clenching my fists in hurt and anger.

Before either of us have the chance to speak, an enraged Rin emerges from the corridor, followed by Len and Luka.

"Let Miku go." She hissed, her shyness unraveling in front of my very eyes.

Meiko smirked.

"Oh, look who we have here! The Dandere is sticking up for her stupid friend again. How pathetic." She said.

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