Betrayal - #82

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Last time: Surprise Surprise, Meiko and Rin are fighting again - but this time, It's got a little worse..

Rin's PoV

I crook my head to see who has grabbed ahold of Meiko's wrists.

"L-Luka?!" Meiko stutters in shock, as she turns to see her old pink haired friend.

Luka sighs.

"Please. I know you don't get along with Rin, but.... isn't this a little too far?" She says, her blue eyes sad.

Meiko remains quiet, an unreadable expression in her face - I'm beginning to think she might go through with it.

Just as I think she will go through with it, she smiles an evil smile, and easily wriggles free from Luka's grasp.

"Get lost." She speaks those two words loud and clear, shoving Luka way from her with great force, and towards the shattered glass on the ground. Luka loses her balance and falls onto the ground, scraping across the floor.

I clench my fists and lock eyes with Meiko.

"How. Dare. You." I growl. Meiko smiles an evil smile, a smile that tells me all sanity had left her.

Well, I didn't think that she had any in the first place, but whatever..

I charge at her, swinging my fist and hitting Meiko square on the forehead.

She is taken by surprise, and I kick her leg so she falls to the ground.

Meiko backs up, and manages to jump back up to her feet. She continues to back away, until someone tackles her from behind.

"Miku.." I gasp.

Miku has successfully tackled Meiko to the ground, her eyes burning with anger.

"I don't get why you think it's okay to go around, hurting all these people that have done nothing to deserve it." Miku hisses. "Luka's told me that you and her used to be really close friends - and I don't understand how you can do such a thing to your childhood best friend."

Meiko's expression is once again unreadable, and I'm scared that she is going to snap again. Luckily, she doesn't, and Miku sighs and stands up.

Meiko does as well, turns around and leaves the school premises.

"Miku.." I run over to my friend. "I think you've managed to knock some sense into her!"

Miku smiles a small smile.

"I hope so. I don't want her to go around hurting people like this." Miku explains.

I nod, about to reply, but someone coughing violently stops me dead in my tracks.

"Luka.." Miku whispers, running over to the spot where Luka was. I follow close behind her.

"Are you okay?" Miku asks Luka, kneeling down beside her.

"Miku, I think she's still in shock." I say, shaking my head.

Luka takes a deep breath.

"N-no, I'm okay." She says, however, starts her coughing fit again.

That's when I notice something.

The side of Luka's shirt is covered in fresh, red blood.

I gulp at the sight.

"No." I say eventually. "Luka - you aren't fine."

Miku looks at me questioningly.

"What do you mean?" She asks. I beckon Miku to come over to where I am standing. Miku hesitates before standing up and swiftly walking to where I am.

"Oh dear God." Miku gasps. "Shes somehow or another re-opened that wound from when her dad.."

I nudge Miku to prevent her from saying the rest of the sentence out loud.

"It's fine." Luka says. "Just a little bit of blood... No big deal..."

Miku and I exchange worried glances.

"I'm not so sure about that, Luka." I tell her. "There's a lot of blood on your shirt."

Miku kneels down beside Luka, and carefully lifts up the bottom of the shirt.

I peer over her shoulder. Sure enough, the wound has reopened - and it is incredibly deep.

Luka winces in pain.

"I don't understand.. How did that happen?" I ask.

Miku looks to her left, to see some glass shards still scattered in the floor.

She picks it up carefully.

"I'm not certain, but I think it may have been these." She tells me.

"In that case, we shouldn't be here." I say, glancing behind me at a grassy patch. "Come on, help Luka up and we'll go over here."

Miku nods and we both help Luka stand up and walk over to the patch of grass.

"It's not that bad!" Luka keeps on protesting about how much we are 'exaggerating'.

"Luka, it's bad." Miku says firmly.

We get to the grass, and Luka pretty much collapses in the ground, breathing heavily.

"Yep, it's bad." Miku says, and turns to me. "Go to the nurses office."

I nod, and run back into the school building, sprinting to the nurses office. It takes a minute or so to get there, and by the time I get there I am completely out of breath.

I twist the door handle and attempt to push the door open, but...

"It's locked." I say. Then, I realise what I've just said. "IT'S LOCKED?!" I yell.

I bang my fist against the door in frustration and anger.

Miku's PoV

I look towards the school building.

Hurry up, Rin...

By now Luka is coughing a lot again, and her eyes are misting with tears, probably due to the amount of pain she must be in.

I have no other choice.. I think to myself, closing my eyes and clenching my fists.

I take a deep breath, and press my hand against the wound, seeing as there is nothing else to use, and hoping it will help.

"Ow.." I hear Luka mutter in pain.

"I'm sorry.." I apologise. That's when Rin runs out of the school building, and quickly back over to us.

"" She says in between deep breaths for fresh air.

"Shoot." I mumble. "This is really bad..."

Rin looks down to see how I am covering the wound.

"There's no other option than this." I say, shaking my head. "For all we know she could have internal bleeding.."

Rin gasps and takes out her phone, and is just about to dial the emergency number, when her phone runs out of battery.

"No!" She yells at the screen.

"What?" I ask, tensing up.

"My phones just died." Rin says, stuffing it back in her pocket.

My eyes widen.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I yell. Rin shakes her head sadly in response.

"What are we supposed to do now?"

Narrator: AND CUT :D

Len: Such sad. Much pain.

Miku: Does that even make sense..?

Rin: Nothing that comes out of his mouth makes sense. He speaks stupid.

Len: Hey! It's better than you'll ever do!

Rin: Not true! >:/

Miku: =_= see you guys soon~!

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