"Nightmare" - #9

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Last time: Rin opened up to Miku and Luka, and told them about her dark past, explaining why her and Len act so cold towards each other.

Miku's PoV

I walk to my next class quietly, repeating Rin's words in my head like a chant, or a spell.

I feel so bad for her... I really do hope she's okay...


"Hi, Rin!"


"You okay? ^w^"

"yeah, thx."

"Good! Sugoi! Because
I was starting to worry a
little..." 16:07

"it's fine, I'm fine now!"

"If you say so, then I believe you."

"^ - ^"


I'm unable to keep a relieved sigh from escaping my lips as I switch my phone off and plug it into it's battered phone charger. I feel a weight lift from my shoulders, knowing Rin is alright.

I collapse on my bed, now wondering what to do. With no new homework set, I'm pretty much free to do whatever I want. I lean back into the soft blanket, spread across my bed, pondering the question.

"Hmm... I could go across the road to the park if I have nothing else to do." I mutter to myself, rolling over onto my stomach and looking intently at the door, before shrugging my shoulders and deciding to venture out of the apartment.

The park is small, with only a few swings and bars and slides. I sit silently on the lime green grass, absently picking delicate daisies and threading them together to make a pretty daisy chain.

"Huh?" I startle as a flash of tabby fur appears in front of me. The young cat eyes the daisies in my hands, and leans forward to sniff them with his button nose. I giggle to myself, reaching forward to carefully stroke the cats neat, soft fur.

At first, the cat flinches at my touch. He looks at me for a moment, unsure of wether to run away or stay. A second later, though, I hear him start to loudly purr, like a steam engine. He rubbed his head against my hand, before looking back up at me and meowing happily.

"You're so cute..!" I exclaim, setting the daisy chain down on the grass and beginning to pet the cat again. He meows once again, before lying down and lying on his back, exposing his fluffy white belly to the warm sun.

I hear someone approach behind me, and I twist around to see my older brother, Mikuo. He stares down at me for a moment, and then at the cat. His blue eyes fill with amusement as he looks between us both.

"So that's why you're in here." He smirks, his tone joking and light-hearted. I nod enthusiastically, giggling as I watch the cat roll around in the lush green grass.

"He's cute~!" I chirp happily. Mikuo nods in agreement, and we remain silent for a few more moments.

The cat eventually gets up and stalks back into the bushes. Mikuo nods towards the apartment. "Come on, Miku, lets get back inside." He tells me.

"Alright." I hop back up to my feet, and follow my older brother back indoors, unable to hide the bounce in my step.

Rin's PoV

I look at the small groups of girls that surrounded me. They all looked glossy, cool and popular - they have long, dark hair and piercing, cold eyes.

The only thing that ruins their beauty is their attitude; how they speak with hatred. They fire insults at me like bullets, each one hitting me in the heart and scarring forever.

I want to scream; I want to cry; but I can't. I almost feel dead inside, like everything that made me 'Rin' was gone forever...

"HEY. Leave her alone! Can't you see you've hurt her enough already!?" Len appears suddenly at my side, shouting at the girls, telling them to leave me alone.

He grabs me by the hand. "Come on, Rin-chan. Let's go somewhere where nobody can hurt you...!"


I wake up that night, a throbbing pain in my head that doesn't seem to want to fade. What just happened...? I question myself.

It is dark outside. It looks to be 1 or 2 in the morning, and I am curled up in bed, like usual. However, when I look up, I am greeted by concerned blue orbs peering at me through the darkness. Len is standing next to me, peering down at me with worry.

"Wh-what are you doing in here?" I whisper to him, propping myself up and staring at him through wide eyes.

Len scratches the back of his head, clearly embarrassed. "I.. I just woke up and heard you crying, so I came over here to make sure you were alright. You were still asleep - must've been a nightmare or something.." Len sighs, shrugging his shoulders.

He is right - as he speaks I feel warm tears flow silently down my cheeks. I wipe them away furiously with the sleeve of my pyjama top.

On any normal day, by this point I would be livid at Len for walking into my bedroom without permission. But right now, I don't have the energy, nor indecency to be angry at him.

Len turns away and is about to leave to get back into his own bed. Without thinking, I grab him by the hand, before he walks out of reach. He turns around swiftly his expression showing obvious surprise by my action.

"I... I... what happened to us, Len?" I whisper into the silence. Len stands silently, thinking for a minute.

"I don't know." He whispers back, smiling a sad smile into the dark before hugging me tightly. I accept the hug, and we stay like that for what seems like ages. Eventually Len pulls away, and blue eyes meet blue once more.

"Try and get some sleep..." He tells me, before leaving the room, without another word.

Author: And cut~!

Miku: what's with all the depressing chapters all of a sudden...?

Author: .....Anyway-


Author: Hope to see you in the next one~! Sayonara~!

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