A Sweet Suprise - #30

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Last time: Miku, Rin, Len and Iroha all nursed Luka, hoping she'd start to feel better.

Miku's PoV

I sat on the floor reading manga, until I heard Luka start coughing violently.

I jumped up and turned around to face her.

"Are you okay?" I asked when she finished her coughing fit.

She nodded weakly in response.

"I think so.. though my headache has got worse.." she said. I took hold of her hand.

"Don't worry. Rin and Len have gone to the store to get you some medicine... They'll be back soon, and you'll soon feel better." I assured her, and she nodded and smiled.

Iroha walked in the room.

"Is Onee-chan okay?" She asked nervously.

I nodded.

"She's okay Iroha." I said, smiling at her. Iroha nodded and smiled back, and returned to her room.

I look at the front door, hoping Len and Rin show up soon.

Hurry up guys...

Soon enough, Rin bursts into the house followed by Len.

"Did you get it?" I ask them.

They look at each other and smile.

"Yep!" Len says, and Rin holds up the bag.

"Excellent." I say, and then whisper so Iroha doesn't hear, "her headache has recently got worse, so you should probably give it to her now."

Rin nods, taking the medicine out of the bag and hands it to Luka.

Luka sits up and takes the medicine.

"Yuck.." she complained, wrinkling her nose at the taste.

"Um, yeah, it isn't the nicest thing ever, but it'll hopefully make you feel better." Rin says, smiling sheepishly.

Len smirked at his sister.

Luka puts the bottle down, and lies back down on the sofa.

I look at Rin and Len, who shrug.

"Now we just have to wait." I sigh.


A few hours later, Luka is feeling a million times better.

Now Iroha can relax because she knows her sister is better, and so can Luka, who is not dealing with painful headaches anymore.

I smile and clap my hands together, happy that my friend is feeling okay now.

Rin frowns.

"You've faced the consequences. Now please say you're not gonna to force yourself anymore, because the turnouts only get worse." she says, crossing her arms.

Luka sighs.


"No. Tell me you're not going to force yourself." Rin says firmly.

Luka sighs.

"Fine... I won't..." she ended up saying, even though we all know she won't keep that promise.

Everyone stays silent for a moment.

"Anyway, I think our job here is done, guys." I say to Rin and Len.

"Yep." Len nods.

Rin looks back at Luka.

"Is it okay if we leave you alone now?" She asks.

"That's fine. I feel a lot better now, anyway. Thank you all." Luka says, smiling at us.

"No problem Luka!" Len smiles.

"Yes, thank you guys." Iroha said us, bowing down in gratefulness.

"No problem Luka, Iroha." I say, hugging them both, "have a good weekend!"

Rin and Len wave goodbye, and with that, we leave them to their own devices.

"What a day." Len yawned.

"You can say that again..." I sigh, brushing my hair out of my face.

"Right Len, let's go home." Rin said, taking her brothers arm and pulling him away.

"See you guys!" I call, and then I turn around and start to head back home.

I walk home swiftly.

When I get there, I notice something under the bush.

It looks like a white box or something.

Curious as to what this "box" is, I stroll over to the bush and take it out.

I frown. It's is a tub of ice cream...?

I look up. The sun is shining brightly. The ice cream has probably melted!

I notice a piece of paper stuck to the lid of the tub.

It reads:
To M
From K

I stare at it.

M must be.. well, me. So that means, K is probably... Kaito?

I smile, and all the negative thought about Meiko and him possibly disliking my singing get pushed to the back of my mind.

He's done this... for me.

I take the tub of ice cream into the apartment.

Rin: AND CUT!!

Miku: >.> since when are you the director?

Rin: Hehe~ now you must obey me, Hatsune.

Miku: Shut up! =.=

Len: *playing video games*


Vocaloid: VOCAL ACADEMYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ