A Brother's Concern - #68

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Last time: Rin had a fight with Meiko, declared that she wasn't finished, and had another fight with her. =w=

Miku's PoV

"It is really necessary for me to wear this stupid thing?" Rin complains.

The school nurse has given her an eyepatch to cover her left eye, seeing as it was so bruised.

"You look cute, Rin. Now shut up." I tell her. Rin pouts.

"Yeah, right..." She huffs, beginning to peel it off.

Luka grabs her hand, preventing her from doing so.

"Don't." Luka told her. "You get to tell me not to 'overwork', so I'm going to tell you to let yourself heal as well."

"I didn't know you listened to my advice." Rin snapped, giving Luka a dark glare, which shut her up.

"Rin, just please wear the damn thing." I sigh. Rin opens her mouth as if to argue back, but she closes it again.

"Fine." she mumbled.


Len's PoV

"Rin? What happened?!" I ask as my sister walks through the door, locking it again behind her.

Rin sighed, looking at me with one eye.

"I got into a fight with Meiko." She explained. I frown.

"Meiko, huh..?" I say,

Rin nods, taking her shoes off and dumping her bag on the ground.

"Next time she does this to you.." I say, cracking my knuckles.

Rin suddenly looks at me, here eyes full of fear.

My own eyes widen in surprise.

"What's the matter?" I ask. Rin looks down, her small body trembling.

"Don't..." She whispers. "Please don't..."

"Huh? But... why not?" I ask her, walking over to her.

"Because... that's how it all started... those painful years of us not speaking a word to each other... that was the cause last time..." she said in a small, scared voice.

I hug my sister, recalling the event.

I stood up to the bullies, resulting in both of our reputations being trashed. Rin started ignoring society, and we fell out.

"That won't happen again, I assure you." I tell her.

Rin pulls away from me, looking at me with seriousness in her blue eyes.

"Pinky promise?" she asks, holding up her hand with her pinky finger up.

"Yes." I said, and our fingers entwine.

"You better not break this promise." Rin growls, "because you know the consequences."

I shudder at my twin sisters attitude. She eyes me and turns away, heading up the stairs.

"I'm not satisfied with her answer..." I whisper to myself, pulling out my phone.


what did I miss at school today?

Um... A couple of fights broke out...

involving rin?


what exactly happened?

Meiko made an appearance during break and Rin tried to jump in to defend me. Meiko punched her and Rin decided she wouldn't give up so soon. They fought again at lunch, giving Rin a black eye.

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