Rin's Reminder - #54

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Last time: Miku apologised to Luka and Rin's anxiety strikes once again.

Luka's PoV

As I sit down next to Rin, a question enters my mind.

"Say, Rin.." I begin, turning to face her.

"What's up?" She asks, tilting her head and waiting for what I was about to say.

"How come you get nervous around Kaito and Gakupo and that, yet when you come across Meiko your completely fine, and able to have a full-on fight with her?" I ask Rin.

Rin averts her gaze and stares at the ground, hesitating.

"Because... I know Meiko." Rin responds, looking back up at me. "I know her as someone that bullies my friends and someone that deserves to die."

"That's a little harsh.." I mumble to myself.

Miku doesn't say anything, she just stares ahead of her.

"What ya doin'?"

The sudden voice behind me nearly scares me to death.

I turn around to face Sonika, who is laughing at me.

"Every time!" She beams.

I sigh, my heart rate returning to normal. Rin shoots me a confused glare.

"What do you want?" I ask Sonika.

"I wanted to ask about your little crush." Sonika replied with a smile.

"Little crush?!" I repeat, thinking of Gakupo. I'm not ready to come out to everybody about our relationship yet.

"Yeah, your little crush." Sonika nodded.

"I-I don't have one! I don't need any guys in my life!" I told her, crossing my arms.

"Aw, come on, now your being kuu-dere." Sonika pouted.

"I AM NOT KUU-DERE!" I protest, covering my ears. Sonika grins at me.

"Gakupo..." Rin whispers quietly, looking down.

Sonika looked at Rin questioningly.

"Did you say something? Sorry hun, I didn't quite catch that." Sonika said.

"Gakupo." Rin smiles.

"Aha!" Sonika grins, removing my hands from over my ears.

I blush bright red, turning to Rin and giving her an unimpressed glare.

Rin shrugs and smiles.

"Well, I need to go to class. See ya, Himidere." Sonika said, sticking her tongue out at me as she left.

"AT WHAT POINT DID I ACT HIMIDERE?!" I yell after her. Some students that are walking past turn their heads and stare at me.

I awkwardly look down, playing with a strand of pink hair.

Rin smirks at me.

"Luka, your face has turned as red as a tomato." She points out, brushing my hair out of my face.

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