Morning at the Mall - #20

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Last time: The Vocaloids arranged to meet up and go to the mall.

Miku's PoV

It is Saturday.

I eagerly jumped out of bed the second my alarm clock rang.

I rummaged through my wardrobe, wondering what I should wear.

Eventually I come up with an outfit. I change into it, brush my hair, tie it up and peer into the mirror.

I am wearing a black top, and a shiny blue jacket. I have a white skirt on, lined with pink ribbon. My outfit is completed with long, black boots, and my hair is tied into the two usual twintails. [Module: Solitude]

I ran downstairs and made myself some breakfast. Mikuo was already up.

He smiled as I rushed past.

"In a hurry, are we?" He asked.

"I'm going to go and meet some friends. We are going to the mall." I explained quickly. He nodded.

"Okay, that's fine. I need to go to work, anyway." He replied, putting his shoes on.

"Bye, Onii-chan~!" I call after him.

I ate breakfast quickly, and walked over to the mall.

It wasn't very far far away, so I arrived quickly.

I saw Rin and Len sitting on a bench. I jog over to them.

"Hey guys~!" I greeted them.

"Hi, Miku!" Len smiled.

"Cool outfit." Rin complimented.

She is wearing very bright clothing. She is wearing a green hoodie, and a pink skirt. She has headphones around her neck, and, of course, her bow. [Module: Melancholy]

Len, on the other hand, is wearing a white t-shirt, and a green jacket. He is wearing shorts and bright trainers. [Module: Polar Bear in Love]

I smile at the twins, and sit on the bench with them.

I look up to see Luka walking towards us.

"Hi Luka!" I call, and the twins call out "hi" as well.

"Hey guys." Luka said with a calm smile.

She is wearing a pink top and a long skirt, completed with a brown belt. She is wearing shiny brown boots and is also wearing glasses. [Module: Light and Casual]

"Now we're just waiting for Gumi and Teto." Len said, yawning.

Rin said nothing; she was to busy on her phone, her eyes fixated on the small screen.

Luka and I talked about certain things until we heard a voice call out to us. It was Teto.

She approached us smiling.

"Hey guys!" She greeted us.

"Hi Teto!" I smile back at her.

She is wearing a pink jacket with black sleeves, and blue shorts that are slightly rolled up. Her outfit is completed with black boots. [I don't know the module name, sorry D:]

"Any sign of Gumi?" Luka asked.

"IM HERE!!" Gumi yelled, running up to us.

Her clothing is very orange, and she is wearing her usual goggles that sit on top of her head. [Original clothes]

"Okay, everyone's here," I began, "so..."

"Let's go!" We all chorused, and skipped into the mall, smiling, giggling, and already having a blast.

"So, where should we go first?" Luka asked, flicking her pink hair over her shoulders.

"The arcade!" Len replied, fist pumping the air.

"Nah, we'll do that last. They have a cafe somewhere, I heard it serves nice cakes~" Rin said.

"Can we actually shop first?" I asked.

We ended up wandering around the mall, looking for shops we wanted to go in.

"Oh my gosh." Teto suddenly squealed, "let's go to YEVS!" she pointed to one of the shops.

"I guess.." Rin said, rolling her eyes.

We all skipped over to the shop, with Len mooching grumpily behind us.

The second we stepped in, Gumi and Teto rushed off, in search for new cute clothes.

Rin goes off to see if she can find any hair bows, and Luka and I look around, occasionally picking out a pretty dress or cool t-shirt.

Eventually, I find a cute dress with a floral pattern on the skirt.

I hold it up. It seems like something Luka would wear.

"Luka!" I call, "I've found something you might like!"

Luka rushed over to me, and I show her the dress. She gasps.

"Wow. This is so pretty!" she exclaims. I smile as she takes it and heads over to the dressing rooms.

Just as Luka leaves, Gumi and Teto bound over to me, their arms full of bags.

"We've just gone on a little spree~" Gumi says, giggling.

"Yeah, and I found the cutest things!" Teto says happily.

"That's great, you guys!" I say, eyeing their bags. Gee, they must really like fashion.

"Aren't you going to get anything, Miku!" Gumi asks. I shrug.

"Nothing's caught my eye yet." I explain.

"I can choose something for you!" Teto offers, getting excited.

"Thanks, but no thanks." I say.

Teto sighs.

"Fine.." she huffs, just as Rin comes back over to us.

"They have no hair bows." She complained.

I smirk.

"Why do you even wear those oversized ribbons anyway?" Gumi asks.

Rin glares at her.

"One, it's a BOW. Two, SHUT UP." Rin snaps.

"Okay, gee, sorry..." Gumi said, rolling her eyes.

"What's going on over here?" Luka asks, walking over to us. I look at her.
The dress I gave her suits her really well, and she's even got a necklace to go with it, making the outfit look complete.

"Are you sure it looks alright..?" Luka said, looking a little nervous.

"Luka. You look AMAZING." Gumi said, and Teto nodded her head vigorously in agreement.

"It really suits you Luka!" I smile.

"That's good.." Luka mumbles, with an embarrassed smile from the compliments.

This chapter was a bit longer. I got a little carried away =_=
Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, Arigato and Sayonara~!

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