A Childish War - #24

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Last time: Kaito posted something mean about Miku's singing on a social media, upsetting her greatly.

Miku's PoV

I lie awake for ages, with a blank expression and non-stop tears flowing down my face like a river.

How could Kaito do this...?

Is he not as kind as I though he was..?

Thinking about this just makes the tears flow more.

I need to stop, but I can't.

I can't sleep like this!

Mikuo came in my room. He looked tired and concerned.

"Miku?" He asked, allowing himself to sit at the end of my bed, "what's wrong?"

I sat up in bed, my hair in knots and my eyes red from crying. I have tear stained cheeks and I look a mess.

I sigh and look at my older brother.

"Boys." I say simply.

"What about them?" Mikuo asked.

"They fool you into thinking they really care, then break your heart leaving you to clear up the mess!" I sobbed.

Mikuo stayed thoughtfully quiet for a few moments.

"I don't know what happened. But I do know that you will get through it, Miku. You're strong, and you'll find someone better one day." Mikuo said, pulling me into a hug.

I think about what my older brother had said...

...and he was right.

I pull away and mange to smile.

"Thanks onii-chan." I said.

Mikuo smiles and walks out the room.

I lie back down in bed.

I will get through this.

~The next day..~

Len's PoV

It is one of those days.

Rin has heard about the Miku and Kaito situation, and she is angry.

Very angry.

I sigh and force myself to get out of bed. I sneak downstairs and make me and Rin some breakfast, seeing as she is busy punching the wall in her bedroom, yelling "Take this, Kaito you ice-cream eating fool!" as she did so.

I'm concerned.

I make us some Miso soup, carefully pouring in into two bowls, being careful not to spill any.

"RIN!!" I yell up the stairs of the mansion, "I MADE BREAKFAST!!"

Rin comes downstairs with a face that can turn milk sour.

I sigh as she slouches down into a chair at the table, and place her soup in front of her.

Rin stares at if for a second while I sit down opposite her.

She frowned at the bowl of soup in front of her.

"This is soup." she said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well done! Want a gold medal?" I ask sarcastically.

Rin looked at me with an angered look.

What's with her today..?

"I wanted oranges, not soup!" she sulked.

"Tough." I tell her.

Rin looked at me like I'd just committed a crime.

Well, I have in her world, anyway.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and an illusionary light bulb hovers over her head as she comes up with an idea.

I try to ignore the evil smirk she is giving me.

Then, before I realise it, she swings her bowl of soup towards me.


Rin laughed at my new appearance. I growled and stomped over to her.

"THE HELL'S YOUR PROBLEM!?!" I screamed at her.

Rin pushed me away and stands up.

"ITS YOUR FAULT!!" She yells, sticking her tongue out at me.

Without thinking straight, I grabbed her by the arm and pushed her away from me at full force.

"Ow!" Rin winces, falling back. I stare at her before walking away.

I've had enough of her childish behaviour.

Rin's PoV

Len pushed me!

Why would he do that? I was only joking.

I stare after him as he turns on his heels and walks away, and I hear it beginning to rain outside.


All I did was chuck miso soup at him!

No big deal... right?

Clutching my arm, I get up and go to my room, slamming the door behind me.

That's when I realise my phone vibrating on my bedside table, as notification after notification came through.

I sigh and pick it up to see what's going on.


Hey guys, everyone alright?

Yep! :3


Glad everyone is happy. Because I'm not.

Oh, what's wrong Rin?

Len's being childish.


What's he done? >.>

He had a go at me, and now I have a sore arm to put up with!

No way!!


Yeah. Not the best way to spend a Sunday.

I'd personally advise you to get an icepack. It should help.

Okay, thx Luka.

Narrator: And that's all for now. (Aren't I a nice person...)

Rin: Why am I the injured one?!

Narrator: Because.

Luka: Anyway, thank you and goodbye.

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