Chapter 93

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I woke up in a hospital gown with a slight headache. Sitting up in bed, I and ran my hand over my semi sore stomach. Although I do feel so much better than I did last night. I wonder what made me feel so bad out of nowhere all of a sudden.

Soon as I sat up I realized that Abel is in the room sitting in a chair with his head down in the palm of his hands. By the looks of it through the window it's morning or some time of day which means I've been here all night.

I rarely remember what happened after I arrived to the hospital last night. I just remember feeling a horrible pain wanting it to stop. 

"Abel..." I say softly getting his attention instantly.

He looks up and stares at me for a few seconds before he gives me a faint smile.

"You're up finally." He says softly.

"What time is it?" I ask and Abel pulls out his phone checking the time.

"Eleven." He answers standing up from his chair coming over to me.

Abel stand on the side of the bed giving my forehead a kiss while running his finger through my hair. Being so gentle, of course he made me smile.

"Where is everyone," I ask. "I want to apologize for ruining the night." I say.

I feel like I made things a disaster last night...

"It's not your fault love," Abel ensures me still fiddling with my hair.

"Everyone is back at my place. I told them we'll meet them there this morning." He includes informing me.

Abel starts to bite at his lip in a odd type of way which makes me wonder. I know something is bothering him.

"What's wrong babe? Are you worried about me or something?" I asked. "I feel perfectly fine now." I include trying to figure out what's wrong.

Abel shakes his head slowly. "I'm going to tell you before the doctors does love..." He trails off sadly.

He lets out a big sigh and his eyes seem to gleam a little with tears that he fought back quickly.

"We lost the baby." He spits out.

My heart instantly drops and I can't wrap my head around what he just said. This can't be real! Please let this be a dream.

"I had a miscarriage last night?" I ask tearing up instantly knowing the answer already.

Abel nods and I begin to sob.

How could this happen?! I just thought I was maybe experiencing some pressure pain or something. Soon as I grew to be happy with myself being pregnant I loose my own child... I can't cope with this one.

My lip starts to tremble and I let my tears fall rapidly.

As I cry Abel pulls me up closer to him hugging me tightly telling me everything will be okay. I know he's probably even more hurt than me right now. This is not okay.

"Abel baby you're not happy so stop telling me it's going to be okay." I cry on his chest.

He rubs my back and tries to calm me down. "I know but we both have to be strong about this."

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