Chapter 57

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Abel's pov continued

I quickly grab Lani thankfully grabbing her before she fell over. I pull her back onto the balcony as she yells at me for stopping her.

"Abel I want to die!" She yells fighting me off.

"No you don't stop saying that shit." I say turning her around to face me eye to eye.

Her face is red and her eyes are cold with sadness. This whole death of her grandfather and her mother being sick is really getting to her. I can't believe I just caught her trying to kill herself. What the fuck would've happened if I didn't make it on time to catch her? I'd probably have to go sign into a mental hospital.

She closes her eyes and tears start to fall again. "But I do- I want to die. Everything in my life is fucking up."

"You're going through a bad moment not a bad life." I say but she shakes her head not listening to me.

"Just let me jump." She cries.

"Listen to me!" I yell getting her attention.

She's out of it right now.

"If you would have jumped what would I have done? What would I become? You would have drove me into depression and probably would've left me half way out of my mind. Baby I know your sad and everything seems shitty right now but you have to think positive and think about your life."

She wipes her eyes, "But I feel so alone."

"I understand that but you're not. You have Audrey back in California, the guys, your mom fighting to get well, and me." I reasoned with her.

"I guess you're right." She mumbles. "That was stupid of me."

"It's okay we all do stupid shit it makes us human."

She stands there silently looking downward. I can tell she's still sad and she's probably going to be like this till she gets over it. Till then I've thought of a way go make her feel better. It's corny as hell but it was on her agenda to do on her birthday.

"Come on," I say pulling at her hand.

"Where are we going?" She ask.

"Just come on."

We head back inside and I grab my black sweats out of my bag while slipping on my Nike slides. I didn't even give Lani time to put on pants or anything. My tee shirt looks like a dress on her anyways.

I grab her hand once again also grabbing the room key going out the door. Lani is asked me where were we going the entire way but I didn't answer her. I basically schlepped her all the way to our destination too. Which our destination was the beach.

"What are we doing here Abel it's like five in the morning." She asked as I pull her into the middle of the beach in the white sand.

"You told me that as a child you'd come to the beach and sit here for the good and bad moment in your life. Well it's a bad one so we are going to sit here and talk till the sunrise."

I sit down on the soft sand looking up at Lani as her hair blows in the wind. She's absolutely flawless.

"Are you going to join me?" I ask snd she stands there still staring at me for a few seconds before sitting down next to me.

We sit in silence, complete silence for at least thirty minutes. The sky is getting warm and beginning to look orange as the waves crash giving us a peaceful scenery.

"Abel I want to talk now." Lani says softly.

I turn my head looking at her as she looks out deeply into the ocean view.

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