Chapter 38

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It's the end of the month and school has been kicking my ass already. I've been studying, testing, studying, and more testing. It's the perks of taking all AP and honor classes. I'm currently sitting in my last period class looking like trash drinking Starbucks trying to stay awake.

"That's enough of that lesson since we're almost out of time," my bridge math teacher Ms. Walden says.

I check the time on my watch and we have five minutes before we go home, thank God.

"Now who would like to tell me about their winter break?" She asked scooping over the class room.

I groan in annoyance. If one more teacher this ask this bull-

"Pili'lani would you like to share?" She teacher asks and now all eyes are on me.

"It was regular." I say shrugging checking my watch again for the time.

"If you call dating The Weeknd and becoming a model regular I need to have more regular winter breaks often." Some random girl says sitting a few rows over from me.

This is why I hate all the teachers asking this question. Every single class I've been to people keep bringing Abel up. Everyone thinks we're dating still and it's crazy how some people are trying to be friendly towards me now. They can decline all of the phoniness  because I'm just fine with my other half which of course is Audrey.

The bell rings and I grab my binder and Starbucks cup leaving out the class. I'm just ready to go home and rest up. I walk down the hall jingling my keys in my hand heading to my car.

"Lani your walking too fast." I hear my bestfriend whine from behind me.

"You better put a little pep in your step." I laugh as she catches up with me.

"I'm going to drop out." She says walking beside me now.

"We only have a few more months then we're free don't stop now." I say.

"You're right, but I'm really excited for prom." She says flipping her ponytail.

"I know right." I say agreeing with her.

We make it out to our cars where were parked right beside each other. I open my car door placing one leg in before being stopped. 

"Yo bush," I hear no one other than Trey yelling out.

I look at him as approaches up to my car. God bless basketball players and sweat pants if you know what I mean.

"Yes that's me." I laugh trying to focus and get my mind out of the gutter.

"Are we still on for tonight?"

Tray texted me yesterday asking would I like to go out Friday night. Of course I said yes I've been drained this entire week so a little fun wouldn't hurt tonight.

"I wouldn't miss out on the fun for nothing."

"Alright I'll be seeing you." He smiles with a wink before walking off to his car.

"I smell a date." Audrey says breathing in deeply.

"No just fresh air," I say curving her opinion.

"Whatever you say." She smirks getting into her car and I do the same.

I pull out semi speeding to my house. Minutes later as soon I get in my drive way I run into my house. I'm so ready to relax.

"Long day?" My mom ask watching me from the kitchen as she cooks.

"Very." I sigh sitting my things down.

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