Chapter 84

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I sit on the couch taking a few sips of liquor from my glass waiting on Lani to come over. I need this bit of liquor to keep me calm.

Lani was suppose to come over earlier today and let me know what she decided to do about the baby but she didn't. All I can think about is her going ahead and getting that-

"I'm here," I hear Lani yell from down the hall.

The sound of keys jingling and her footsteps come closer. She comes in the living room stopping in the middle of the floor looking at me.

Damn she's a ninja or something because she got in here not making any noise.

"Sorry about coming a little late. I had to go handle something." She says and I feel sadden by her single sentence.

I nod taking drinking up the rest of my vodka. I don't have anything to say. It's her body and her choice.

"Oh but did I mention you're going to be a dad in eight more months." She smiles making my heart race instantly.

I jump from the couch, "No bullshit?!You're serious?"

"I'm making a risky choice but it's life. You learn and live." She says with a shrug and I run over to her picking her up.

I swing Lani around and she giggles and wraps her legs around my waist.

I stop twirling around and catch my breath kissing Lani lips. "I'm so fucking excited."

"I can tell," she smiles. "Now put me down, I think this is the position we were in that made this baby possible." She jokes.

I laugh putting her down. I can't believe this. I'm so happy.

"Did you think about this? I mean you have Oxford and Victoria secret-"

"And I have you and mistakes to learn from." She says cutting me off.



"I went to talk with Audrey and I talked to Cole on FaceTime and they both told me the same thing. I'll grow from this and adapt to being a mom. We made this happen so we can take of it maturely." I say and Abel can't stop smiling like a crazy person.

"I'm going to be a father." Is the only thing he can say right now.

I smile feeling my heartwarming up. Abel's reaction to this is too cute. This wasn't what I expected at all.

I had that dream of Abel going off and it made me scared but he has complete opposite mindset in reality.

I still can't believe I'm going through with this. I'm going to have a baby... Me, an eighteen year old who was two months away from achieving their goals is letting it go down the drain. I'm learning to be okay with that though. Slowly but hopefully surely.

"Have you told you're mother?" Abel ask and I shake my head no.

I sigh, "I don't know how to tell her."

Abel nods, "That's okay I'll tell her."

I stand there looking at Abel crazy. I know he's having hella baby fever but his boldness needs to be questioned.

"You're going to tell my mom that I'm pregnant?" I repeat making sure he knows what I'm asking.

"I know you're probably scared and stressing on the inside which isn't healthy for the baby," He trails off.

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