Chapter 65

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I wake up to see a room full of people sitting around with their heads down. I sit up in bed and as my vision comes to, I realize it's my crew.

Last night all I can remember is Lani coming to check on me and I passed out. I see that I'm fine though cause I'm awake and alive in a hospital room.

"He's up now nigga I told you he wasn't dead." I hear Hyghly whisper.

"Well I thought the doctor was wrong, the nigga looked lifeless." Hawk whisper yells back.

I cough clearing my throat and the crew looks at me all at once. I wonder who's going to speak first.

"Bro what the fuck got into you last night?" LaMar speaks up.

Here we go...

"You scared every single one of us with this shit you pulled." He says taking a deep breath.

"Not to mention that we flew back from Miami quick as hell to see you. I was getting hoes man." Hawk says shaking his head.

I damn near died and all he can still think about is hoes that he really doesn't get.

"When did you all get here?" I ask.

"A few hours ago." Hy says, "but that doesn't matter right now. Yo A, what's going on with you man?"

"Same old shit that's been going on," I say rubbing my face before speaking again.

"Being depressed and living in my lonely thoughts." I include.

"Is this about Lani?" LaMar ask and I nod.

"She's a good girl man, she'll come around eventually." He says but I highly doubt what he's saying.

I shake my head, "Nah man I think she's really done with me."

The guys look at me like I'm stupid. What did I say wrong?

"Nigga the girl cried just about the entire time you were knocked out. She isn't done with you cause it's obvious she still cares." I Hawk justifies.

Speaking of Lani, I want to see her. I didn't mean to scare her like that but things just got really bad for me last night.

"Is she still here?" I asked.

"Yeah she's out in the waiting room. She said she couldn't manage seeing you this way." Hy says.

"Can you go get her for me?"

"Yeah man."

Hy stands up leaving out the room to go get Lani. Hawk stands up as well shaking his head,

"I'm going to go out to the waiting room and give y'all some privacy to talk." He says.

"Me too bro," LaMar chimes in.

"I'm glad you okay tho nigga. Don't pull that shit again leaving me with baldy and Hy ugly ass." Hawk days before leaving out.

LaMar rolls his eyes at him, "I'm happy you're good my boy." He says coming closer giving my a quick handshake.

"Thanks man." I nod.

He walks away heading to the door. As he leaves out Lani comes in. Her eyes are a little red and it looks like she haven't been to sleep at all.

She stands there with her stolid eyes locked on me.

"Why did you do that Abel?" She asked lowly.

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