Chapter 60

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Weeks later

"I'm serious why are you laughing?" I ask looking at Audrey as she turns red in the face.

"Because you're holding a puppy like its a child or something." She giggles watching me.

I look at Sweet-T, rubbing his little wet nose against mine then sitting him down to run off and find something to ramble in.

"He missed me the other night. I felt like he was sad."

"I missed you the other day too."she says taking a sip out of her imaginary tea cup and looking at me.

The shade has been thrown.

"But someone didn't come to school cause they'd rather have a 'D' appointment." she adds in.

I sit across the island from Aud taking a seat looking at her with my mouth dropped dramatically.

"Slow your roll Kaikamahine," (girl) I say holding my hands up.

"I'm still a proud virgin waiting till marriage... trying to make it." I chuckle.

"I bet you a hundred dollars your going to loose your virginity before your married."

I stare at her thinking about the changes of that happening. Abel and I only make it so far into having sex. Something always interrupts or I fall asleep.

"Deal." I say holding my hand out across the island.

Audrey gives me a winning smile and shakes my hand. She think she's going to win this but she's sadly mistaken. I can hold out if I put my mind to it.

She chuckles,
"Yo, I'm going to have a hundred dollars soon."

"Yeah right." I laugh.

We spend the rest of our time working on some homework together for our advanced math class. Afterwards we talk about random things from here to there.

Audrey asked me how was my mom doing and it made me kind of happy she asked. My mom said today on the phone that she was feeling a lot better. She still has yet to tell me what's wrong with her but I'm fine with that. As long as she's feeling better I'm fine. I asked her when do she think she'll be coming home and she told me probably a week after my fashion show. She won't see me strut down the runway but I'm going to have plenty of pictures for her when she gets back.

"When is NewYork's fashion week?" Audrey ask getting my attention.

"Next week."

Audrey snaps her fingers in a 'z' formation. "You better work it that entire week bitch. You're out there with the big time celebrities."

"You better believe I'm serving and slaying to my best abilities." I say rolling my neck sassily.

We both look at each other and begin to laugh at how ratchet we're trying to be. This is why I call Aud my other half.

"I'm going to run upstairs and shower, getting comfortable." Audrey says getting down from the stool.

"It's going to be another long night I see." She laughs heading upstairs.

Audrey has been spending the night on and off so I wouldn't be lonely. Abel has been going back and fourth to Canada like crazy just to work in the studio on some new music. Last week he left on a Monday and didn't come back till Sunday. Audrey volunteered to come keep me some company.

Now he's leaving today and not coming back till two days afterwards. Whatever he's working on in the studio better be pure gold how hard he's been working. Since he's on my mind I should call him and see where the hell is he. I want my goodbye kiss before he goes out the states. I'm clingy like that, I can't help it.

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