Chapter 81

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"Ms. Dayfield I assure you I'm right about this I've been doing it for years you know." Mrs. Grace, My doctor, assures.

I look down at my stomach.

"But my stomach isn't poking out at all how could I be one month pregnant?" I ask not listening to her.

I got my mom to call and make me a doctors appointment. I lied and told her it was for me having some problems with my allergies, but once I got here I told my doctor the truth and she understood everything. She knows I'm nervous and trying to cope with the fact that I'm pregnant.

Now I'm trying to figure out how the hell am I one month pregnant. Abel and I used at condom for my first time and afterwards a few other times...

"Some women don't show until three months at the most." She says and I roll my eyes inwardly.

I've been pregnant for an entire month... A month.

I sigh, "Wow that's unbelievable."

"Sometimes protection can fail you know," My doctor says. "But if you weren't using any it's like your asking for it." She chuckles.

I forced a fake laugh out at her joke. I allowed Abel to stop using protection but I know for a fact I wasn't asking for this to happen.

"Now here's some pamphlets on information about bring pregnant," she says giving me the small books.

"It tells you about the do's and the don't's and how to stay healthy. No smoking, drinking, and no stressing. Just the usual things." She says as I scan over the cover of the pamphlets.

I nod my head looking downwards. I'm trying to take all this in.

"And if  your thinking on an abortion It's not too late. You have up till your twenty four weeks to make up your mind on-"

"I think that's what I want." I blurt out softly.

My doctor stops and looks at me.

"Are you sure? Have you put any thought in on it? Have you talked to your boyfriend about?" She asked almost making my head spin.

There's really nothing to discuss. Abel won't have to know about this. I'm going to feel like an awful person for killing off a unborn child but it's for the best.

"I'm sure." I answer and my doctor nods.

"I'll get you a pamphlet on that too and your paper work for the adoration dear." She says moving around the medium sized office.

"You'll go to the clinic and get it done. I want you to know that your not a bad person for wanting one either." My doctor says and I give her a small smile.

I'm still going to feel like one regardless. I don't believe in getting abortions but yet I'm going to get one. It's fucked up.

"We can head to the front now," she says.

I stand up from the table and head to the front. My doctor gives me the papers and I thank her shaking her hand.

I walk out the door going outside to my moms car getting in the passenger side.

"How did it go?" She ask looking over at me.

"It went okay. She said I should use a different brand of nasal spray." I lie off the top of my head.

"What are all those papers and books you got there?" My mom ask pointing at my materials and I start to shuffle them around in my hand so she can see exactly what they are.

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