Chapter 72

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"That's wonderful son, I'm happy you two are back together again." My mother says happily over the phone.

"Me too," I agree sighing in relief.

I thought I was never going to get my baby girl back.

My mother is pretty jubilant about Lani and I being back together again. She said that Lani seems like my soulmate or a guardian angel because all of the good, positivity she has brought into my life. My mother is right. Lani is like a pill that I've been needing for years and now that I've took the pill, I'm hooked.

"She's my everything." I smile thinking of her.

I make my way down stairs waking around my big lonely house. Lani is currently at school, Hyghly and Hawk are out doing dumb shit most likely, and LaMar and Cash are on their way over with something to tell me. They have yet to say exactly what the news but they did mention it was good.

"Keep her around then son. She's a good, pure girl." My mother advises me.

"And make sure you two give me at least three grandchildren." She laughs but I know she's serious.

I personally would love to give my mother at least five grandchildren but Lani begs to differ with me still on that subject. Leaving it up to her, the only children we're going to have are cats and puppies. I can't complain too much though because it's her pussy so it's her choice.

I chuckle in response while making way to the kitchen for a drink. I open the cabinet pulling down a bottle of my favorite liquor. The bottle only has a little bit left so I'll take it to the head and buy another bottle or two.

"I'll let you go now son, I have to do my laundry and clean up around the house."

"Ok, vous aimez la mère." (ok love you mother)

"Vous aimer aussi fils." (Love yo you too son)

I hang up the phone slipping it into my pocket grabbing the liquor bottle. It's been a while since I've had a drink and I actually want to taste the bitter flavor.

Soon as I attempt to turn it up there's knocking at my front door.

I sit the bottle back onto the counter heading to the door.

"Come on in ugly ass niggas," I chuckle opening up the door looking at Cash and LaMar.

"I'm fine as hell but I'll still come in." LaMar laughs walking in.

I look at Cash waiting on a reply or come back from him. His mouth is nonchalantly smart so I know he has something to say.

"Chicks dig big ugly niggas like me." He says causing me to laugh.

"I respect that." I laugh slapping his hand.

We shake up and head back inside. I'm ready to hear all this good news they've been blowing me up about.

I sit down looking at them both,
"So what's the news?" I ask getting to the point.

"You at least could ask who is it about first." LaMar says.

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