Chapter 25

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Weeks later...


It's been weeks and Lani still has stuck to her word about no having relationship with me. She's strictly doing her job and homework. Meanwhile I haven't fucking slept in weeks and I'm sure I look like shit. Things just aren't right as of right now for me.

"You ready for the show tonight A?" Cash ask.

We're in Brooklyn NewYork tonight sitting around in a room backstage. I just came from off stage and I'm worn out. I just want to sleep, but after tonight I have two days to rest till we go to New York, NewYork were I'll be performing at Madison square. I doubt I'll get the rest I need tho.

"Yeah man." I yawn and nod my head.

"You haven't been hyped up lately my nigga." Hy says.

"Nigga acting like a grandparent and shit." Hawk laughs.

"I've just been tired and working unlike your ass."

"You just haven't been to sleep since Lani ain't been caring for you." he laughs.

"Nigga it's your fault." I say sitting up leaning more towards him.

"How? You shouldn't have listened to me A, when was the last time I was truly faithful?"

"I should fucking kill you."

"I could give you some advice but you don't deserve it." LaMar says.

Now LaMar knows damn well I his advice. He's never told me anything wrong but I guess I could see what he means by I don't deserve it.... But he better help me out fuck all of that.

"C'mon and help me out man." I say rubbing my face.

"Why should I help you?" he smiles.

This bull nosed jackass...

"Because I'm your boy."

"Other than that."

"Because I need your advice to make things better with Lani. I fucked up big time with her." I sigh.

"Alright, I'll help." he says and I instantly feel a little better.

"Only because your ugly ass looking like you strung up on drugs with these dark circles under your eyes." he laughs.

The fact that I've been clean off drugs for a while now so I know I'm looking rough. Well take that back I still smoke marijuana but that's a must to keep my nerves chilled.

"Fuck you, now what should I do?" I ask.

"What's the main reason she's mad at you for?"

"Because I fucking lied to her and she said I pull double standards."

"Did you apologize?" Hy chimes in asking.

"Yeah about a thousand times but she doesn't care for that shit."

"You said she said she loves you right?" LaMar says rubbing his bread. I know he's thought of something good.

"Yes but she said she doesn't now so it's pointless."

"Abel once you love somebody you can't just take it back like a gift. She loves you still but you broke the little trust you two had. Just show her that you love her and try to explain to her how much you need her in your life."

I'm so happy I have this nigga for a friend. I have to get to thinking about how I'm going to do that though.

"Okay I'll listen to what you have told me. Thanks bro." I say shaking his hand.

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