Chapter 9

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Lani Pov

Soon as we arrive back to the hotel I go straight to the back slamming the door. Abel has pissed me off. Forget the girls, he told me to "sit" as if I had no rights or like I'm a obedient dog. I really don't even know why he started to act like that. It's now almost four in the morning and we have a flight to catch and I know I should be getting ready for bed because I'm not a morning person.

I take off my clothes and hop in the shower. Once I'm done I change into a simple tee shirt and sweat pants. I'll feel uncomfortable sleeping in that but I can't sleep how I usually would.
Once I'm finished I plan on going to Lamar room because I don't want to be in here with this jerk. As I open the door Abel is standing there..

"I was just coming to talk to you." He says leaning against the door frame.

"Well I don't feel like talking so if you don't mind,"
I push past him heading to the front.

"Where are you going?" He ask following behind me.

"To Lamar room, I don't want to be in here with you." I say with a attitude in my voice.

Abel comes standing in front of the door blocking it. I know he's about 5'7 and I'm a long 5'5 but if he doesn't move I will hit him, I have no problem doing that.

"Your not leaving until you talk to me baby girl."

"Don't call me that."

"Ohhh, this is about me having girls all over me at the club? Your jealous already, that's cute." He says trying to touch my face but I smack at his hand.

Me jealous?! A little but he isn't mine anyways so there's no reason to make a big deal about it.

"No, it's the fact you told me to sit right there in front of everyone. I'm not a dog or something Abel the hell is your problem?"

"My problem is you out there dancing with random guys."

"What? Guys? It was only one! And you call me jealous!" I say a little loudly.
"I didn't make a big deal about girls in your lap or that I saw you kissing on them but I guess if I enjoy myself a little I'm wrong." Abel is making no sense and I'm getting more pissed off.

"It's a difference."

"How?" I ask

"See those girls are just there. They know I'm famous so their willing to give it up and after they do I don't want them because I'm trying to work on something with you. But that nigga you was with could catch feelings easily."

"Abel how in the hell does that make sense to you? Your basically saying you can do what you want but I can't. You sound crazy."

"I know it does... It's really more to that." He says still blocking the door.

"What's more to it?" I ask, he's very mysterious when it comes to certain things. I've picked up to that.

He sighs, "I prefer not to talk about it."

"Ok then this is pointless. Now move." I say trying to get past him but he's like a brick wall. He pulls me into his arms,

"Look don't be mad at me. I'm sorry Lani, I know it sounds stupid but you still have to believe me when I tell you I want us to have something."

I don't even care anymore to be honest. I just want to sleep.

"Ok I forgive you can I go now?"

"You're really not sleeping in here?" He ask still holding me.

"Abel you say that like we sleep together and besides, you've made me mad tonight therefore I'm not staying in here. I'm not mad anymore really so just drop it."

"Ok... Can I have a good night kiss still?" He says looking down at me,

I smirk at Abel. He's so adorable but this innocent act isn't going to work on me. I have something up my sleeve for him.

"Of course." I say wrapping my arms around his neck. I stand on my tip toes to reach his lips. Our soft lips touch and move in sync. For the first time I add my tongue and deepen the kiss.

"That's new for you to do. I taught you well."

"Will you shut up and finish what we're doing here." I say placing kisses on his neck.

"You're in the mood finally huh baby girl?" He ask wrapping his hands around my waist.

I shake my head approvingly. Without a word Abel picks me up taking to the bedroom. He lays me on the bed and we're back to making out. I see where he's going with this. I have him right where I want him. 

"Can I be on top?" I ask sweetly.

Abel bites his lip and lays back. I climb on top of him kissing his neck. He's groans lowly. I reach under unbuckling his belt slowly.

"Wait.. I have a surprise for you." I say biting my lip,

"Oh really?" He smiling showing his cute set of teeth.

"Stay right here. I'll be right back." I ease off of him giving him one last kiss on the lips then on the neck.

I work my way out of the room back to the front of the suite grabbing my phone and leaving to go a few doors down to Lamar room. I shut the door loudly so he would know I'm gone. I'm a good teaser, Aud would be happy right now, I'm not being such a "prude" as she would say. I never really was one. I never felt comfortable with any other guy really but it's something about Abel. Not that I'm willing to give it up to him because I know how he is but it's quite fun teasing him.


Abel Pov

I can't believe Lani is actually going to do this. I feel like she's trusting me finally. I guess I'm making her expose her inner freak that she swear she doesn't have. All girls have freaky ways I know this for a fact.
As I sit here waiting for Lani to return so we can finish what we started I hear the door shut. I get up walking around the suite looking for her.

"Lani?" I call out but I get no answer.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and it's a message from Lani,

Babygirl💘 : "How did you like my surprise? It was a disappearing act. Call one of the three girls you had at the club over to finish off your night. Good night Abel😂😎"

Wow, that's petty... She's such a fucking tease! She really left me with blue balls. This girl isn't as sweet and innocent as she seems even Audrey told me that. I like her ways it leaves me wondering about her. But leaving me in a situation like this isn't right. I guess I'll just sleep it off... That's new of me to do.

"Very sneaky I see. You'll come around and want it one day and I'm going to make you beg and whine  for it. Night baby girl."

I reply back to her. She responds sending the kiss mark emoji. This girl is something else. My tour should be interesting... I go lay down and just think that in the morning, things are going to be quite a ride for these few months after September ends.

I know this chapter is short but did you guys enjoy it? There are so many surprises coming up soon just hold tight lovesI had to re publish this chapter due to mistakes but it's good now. Thanks for reading 😘

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