Chapter 29

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We're at this club called Cielo and its not the livestock club I've been to but it's lit in here still. We've got our own spot with the drinks and drugs rolling. I'm smoking a perfectly rolled blunt with my girlfriend in my lap vibing to the music. Im enjoying this as you could have guessed.

"We have THE Weeknd in the building tonight ladies and gentlemen make some noise!"

The dj yells over the music making the crowd yell.

"He brought his boys and out and what it looks like his girlfriend, maybe? Alright alright, she's pretty hot too just saying."

I chuckle and raise my glass to that.

he laughs into the mic and continues to let the music play again.

"Here lil sis try this it's Hennessy." Hy says passing a shot to Lani.

"I've had this before, I love it." she says taking the shot straight to the head.

She's been downing shots like a fucking pro which still amazes me. Anything Hy passes her she can handle it. She's kind of fucked up tho but it's cool. It's not like she's one of those girls who can't handle their liquor and start to act an ass causing extra attention to themselves.

"Damn girl you are one of a kind." Hawk says giving Lani a high five.

"If you could smoke you'd be so down." Hy says taking a quick shot.

Lani starts to laugh hard. Me and the boys all look at each other wondering what's funny. Maybe it's the drinks kicking in more on her.

I start to bounce her up and down on my legs to get her attention from all the laughing she's doing.

"Hey, what's so funny baby girl?" I ask leaning closer towards her.

She twist her neck around so that she can see my face.

"I'm laughing because you guys don't think I can smoke." she says.

"Maybe you've had too many drinks because you told me you can't stand the smell of weed so I know you can't possible smoke." I say taking a pull of my blunt.

"Maybe I lied." she says wide smirk.

"Let's put it to the test then." Hy smiles pointing to my blunt.

I hold my blunt out placing it to Lani's lips. She takes a long pull from the it then releases the smoke through her nose. No coughing, no nothing.

"Wow, this is surprising." LaMar says in shock.

"All she did was blow smoke from her nose I was doing that when I was in the fifth grade." Hawk says.

"Watch this then." she smiles taking the blunt from me.

She takes a long inhale holding it for a second. She grabs my face for a kiss and I party my mouth for it but she slowly lowers the smoke into my mouth and I blow it out. She ends her little trick with a peck on my lips. I don't know how she did that but it was sexy as hell.

"At first I thought you threw up but that's shit was cool as hell!" Hawk says patting her on the back. 

"She can most definitely hang with the big dogs." Hy grins.

I stare at her amazed at her smoking ability. I can't believe this.

"Surprised huh?" she ask passing the blunt back to me.

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