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tbh this gif is so so so so appealing to the eye & the song I attached is so amazingly good (Bad Blood by NAO)

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I hopped out of Harry's Range Rover at the O2 Arena with a fat stack of cash.

Just kidding. I had like thirty pounds.

I closed the door and swung my small leather backpack over my shoulders. I walked around the car to join Harry. He took off his sunglasses and placed them on top of his head. As soon as we walked through the entrance, pulsing music was bouncing off the concrete walls. It was too muffled to tell what song it was - meaning that it was probably being played on the stage.

"Someone's having a party," Harry joked, looking down at me.

I nodded. "Yeah, it sure sounds like it."

We turned a corner to walk down a narrower hallway. I recognized it from yesterday as the one Harry's dressing room was located at. He unlocked the door with a separate key on a red lanyard with the O2 Arena label on it.

I followed him inside and he turned on the light. The black blankets were still hanging on the walls, and I hid a smile behind my hand.

I sat down on the couch and leaned my elbow on the arm of it. Harry dropped his duffle bag in the director's chair, then picked up a lighter from the vanity, lighting the two candles on the table.

"I'm not making a move," he murmured in assurance.

'"You're not moving away."

"Can I?"

"You really shouldn't."

"I want to...But you don't...want it."

"Didn't say you were," I smiled.

He turned and walked over to sit at the other couch against the opposite wall.

"Just wanted to make it clear," he noted with a nod.

"Can we...talk about it?" I sputtered out cautiously.

I felt like what happened this morning was plain confusing.

He slowly ran his tongue over his lips before pursing them outwards. "Mmhm." He sounded like he was very interested in what I had to say. I would be, too, if I was in his shoes.

"I don't not like you."

I cringed at myself. Holy shit. That was a horrific start.

Harry's smirk deepened with amusement. His eyes were trained on mine and for some reason they calmed me rather than freaked me out even more.

"That was fucking awful," I blurted out loud, a smile cracking through to my face.

He let out a breathy laugh and a wide grin.

"Okay, let me try that again."

"You don't have to say anything, Nor," he sighed. "I put you in an awkward situation, and -"

"But it wasn't awkward - to me. I...I just don't know what I'd be getting myself into," I struggled to find words to express what I was thinking.

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