Episode 23

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Joe and Demi filled the forms out helping each other with questions that they didn't know about each other that might affect somebody's choice to adopt their little ones. Once they had filled the forms in they took it back to reception where they were told to take a seat again until somebody was free to talk to them about their options. They had a lot to think about as well as making sure that Demi's wellbeing stays positive, the next two months or so are crucial to make sure she gets past the twelve week mark to make sure the babies were happy and Demi was doing everything she could to make sure she made the right environment.

"I think my dad is on board with the adoption anyway." Demi stated.

"Of course he would, he doesn't even like me." Joe mumbled.

"It's not that he doesn't like you, he just wouldn't like any boy that I bring home." Demi assured him taking his hand making Joe crack a smile.,

"I know, I think I'd be the same if I have a daughter." Joe confessed making Demi giggle.

Joe and Demi followed a middle-aged man into his office where they all took a seat Joe and Demi sat opposite the man who had introduced himself as Mathew. He was about double the age of Joe and Demi, appeared to be a family man with the photo frames that he had all over his office. He had a small amount of fawn hair covering his head slowly falling out the older he grew. He was dressed in a suite which fit his shape, he look overall was welcoming even the smile covering his lips. They would be talking to him about their forms, if they had any chance of somebody picking them to take over the care of their twins.

"So you are expecting twins?" Mathew questioned both of them nodding.

"We went to a appointment today and the midwife thinks it's twins but it's still a little early to tell but everything seems to be okay at the moment." Demi explained.

"And the reason for you thinking about adoption is because?" He questioned.

"We're young and want to concentrate on schooling before thinking about raising any children." Joe explained himself.

"But you plan to take over one day?" They both nodded their head.

"Maybe in a couple of years time when school is finished and we're steady."

"There are a line of couples who are happy to adopt knowing that one day they will have to give them up and hand them over to their biological parents, is that something you think you should sign up for?" Joe and Demi turned to each other both of them nodding their heads.

They continued to talk about what would be happening when the babies did arrive, Joe and Demi would get to meet and name their children before handing them over to another couple. It was then up to that couple how often they would allow Joe and Demi to see the babies but with schooling and everything else they wouldn't have a lot of time on their hands.

"I'll give you a call when we've found a suitable couple then you can meet them and get to know them before the babies arrive." Mathew instructed Joe and Demi thanking him as they shook his hand gently.

"Thanks for everything." They all said goodbye before Joe and Demi left having to walk back home which wasn't far but it would give them chance to think. There was no going back now, they were going to be giving their children up when the time came. The constant movement Demi would feel or the kicks as she progressed through the pregnancy couldn't change the fact that in just over seven months they would have to say goodbye to their children and allow for another couple to look after them until they believed they were ready to take over. Joe still wasn't sure they could do this but now they didn't have a choice. He didn't understand how Demi was so laid back about the whole situation.   --------------------------------------

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