Episode 22

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Joe and Demi made their way out of the hospital room once they had gotten a couple of pictures of their children. Demi was only five weeks along so there wasn't a lot to see but they still wanted the pictures. They made their way over to their mother's who were reading through a magazine, Joe helped Dianna up handing her the walking stick so they could begin to make their way out the hospital and back to school.

"Is everything okay?" Denise questioned making sure that they were going at a speed which was more suitable for Dianna, Joe was close by to help her if she fell for whatever reason.

"We're having twins," Demi revealed the two mothers smiling. "But with it being twins we definitely can't look after them and be in school, we're going to the adoption centre after school, Joe has already called work" Demi explained.

"We don't want to separate them either." Joe added in but they both knew the mothers wanted to have their grandchildren around, it was just something that they couldn't do at this stage in their lives. As much as they hated to admit it adoption was the best option for them and their babies.

"If that's what you want we'll be there for you both." Dianna stated taking Joe's hand as they exited the hospital wondering over to the car.

Joe and Demi made it into class finishing off their day before they would find themselves at the adoption centre. It was something they wanted to do together and not have their families around. It was hard enough for them to be thinking about giving up their children when the time comes without having anybody to influence their choice. The receptionist looked their way as they were next in line, she motioned them to come over which they did.

"How can I help?" She inquired a warm smile pulling at either side of her mouth.

"I've just had a hospital appointment to prove I'm pregnant and we were thinking about adoption." Demi explained the receptionist gathering some leaflets together setting them down on a clipboard with a form on handing them over.

"Read through the leaflets and make sure that this is what you want then fill out the form, ask if you have any questions." Joe and Demi thanked her before taking a seat on the chairs taking the leaflets up in their hands.

"It doesn't feel real that we're here to be honest." Joe confessed.

"Are you having second thoughts about this?" Demi questioned looking up at him as he looked back down at her shrugging his shoulders gently.

"I just don't know how easy it will be to actually give them up when the time comes and it will be too late by that time to change our minds. I just think maybe when you feel them move or kick, when we know what genders they are and meet them for the first time this isn't what we will want." Joe confessed again Demi sighing knowing he was right.

"But that's why we'll tick the open adoption box, we'll still be able to see them and have something to do with them. We'll be able to take them back when we think we're ready and continue to raise them." Demi tried to convince.

"It's up to you Demi, you're the one who will feel the movements and kicks. I know this is for the best, I just don't want us to make the wrong decision." Joe stated.

"It will be fine for me Joe as long as I know they have gone to a decent family who I know will spoil them more than what we could." Joe nodded his head gently.

"As long as your sure." Joe kissed the side of her head gently making her smile.

"I'm sure." She repeated bringing a leaflet up in her hands.

She knew keeping her babies wasn't the best for either of them. They couldn't just keep one either, they couldn't separate their twins.


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