Episode 8

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The police soon arrived even with how late it was, if they could get together a statement and write what was missing they still might be able to find her and get their belongings back. Joe helped his mother sit down on the couch but it was hard to see just about everything gone, the walls were bare, she even took family photos. Everything was gone and they didn't even have the money to replace anything, they didn't know what to do.

"So you woke up and she was in your room carrying something out, as soon as she knew that you had seen her she ran for it?" Dale, the officer inquired Dianna nodding her head.

"Seems like my room was the last room that she moved anything out of, Joe has always been a heavy sleeper so he wouldn't have heard her. It took me a while for me to be able to wake him up from my room." Dianna explained.

"Could you write down the charity you signed onto so we can check it out?" Dianna nodded her head taking the pen and paper from Joe once he had gotten up to grab it writing it down and handing it to him. "There is nothing else we can do now, insurance will be over this morning to see if they can calculate what has been taken and see what they can do about helping you replace it all."

"Thank you, I'll show you out." Joe stated as they all got up besides Dianna, Joe showed the officers out before taking a seat back down next to his mother wrapping his arm around her.

"This is all my fault, I should have checked out the charity a little more." Dianna sighed but Joe shook his head gently.

"This is not your fault, you just wanted to get some help for the both of us. Neither of us predicted this," Joe assured her. "Let's go back to bed, I'll stay off school today so we can have a lay in and help you out tomorrow with the insurance people." Dianna sighed nodding her head allowing her son to help her back into bed. She laid back on the bed staring up at the ceiling. She didn't want it to stay like this, Joe having to care for her all the time but they had no option. She thought with the charity everything would change for the better but it only changed for worse. She took her mom's broach that had been passed down for generations and her wedding rings her ex husband threw at her when he demanded a divorce and left both their lives. She could have sold them by now to get some extra cash but them being there meant more than having the cash. They were gone now and she didn't even have any cash for them.

Demi woke up the next morning from her alarm clock buzzing in her ear, she hit the button to stop it before sitting up. She let herself wake up, that was when she released a box wrapped up at the end of the bed, she wrapped in opening it up to see what was inside screaming when she saw a phone there. She jumped out of bed rushing downstairs where her parents were having breakfast together, they had a smile on their face as they saw how excited their daughter was.

"What's this for?" Demi questioned.

"Your father picked it up last night before the stores closed." Denise stated.

"I said you wouldn't be phoneless for long." They both laughed as she got a hug from both of them.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed.

"It's Nick you need to be thanking, we paid for it now but he'll be paying us back for it." Denise stated, Demi couldn't help but smirk knowing her younger brother was actually getting punished, it wasn't often her parents were too soft and just let their brothers off on what they had done. Demi was the only one who appreciated what her parents do for her.

"Thank you!" Demi exclaimed one more time before sticking the phone on charge then making her way upstairs to have a shower. She didn't even know of Joe and Dianna who was her real mother living rough and just losing most of their belongings. Demi should be in Joe's place instead she's the one who doesn't need to worry about money.


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