Episode 17

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Paul entered the house with a white bag in his hand, he made his way into the kitchen dumping it on the kitchen side before making his way back out into the backyard. Demi sighed burying her head into her hands. She expected her father to be like this if she was being honest, he always cared for her as his only daughter and for her to be grown up enough to have a baby was enough to make him hold a grudge against her.

"Just ignore him honey, I'll talk to him later after you've taken the tests okay?" Denise questioned Demi nodding her head turning to Joe.

"Come with me?" She questioned Joe nodding his head this time leaving the room with her. They made their way upstairs and into Demi's bedroom, she had a on suite bathroom since she complained about the boys making a mess of the bathroom. Joe sat down on the bed as Demi entered the bathroom. It was the worst wait of Joe stood outside the bathroom, it felt like she was in there for hours when she was only ten minutes tops. He stood up as soon as the bathroom door opened trying to read her expression, he noticed she was crying but he still didn't know whether they were sad or happy tears. He hugged her back as she hugged him.

"I-It was positive." Demi stammered Joe sighing holding her tighter.

"We'll get through this together alright?" Demi pulled away from him nodding her head. "Abortion isn't an option right?"

"No not at all but we might want to think about adoption, maybe open so we can still see him or her." Joe nodded his head gently.

"I think it's something we need to think about, we're only sixteen." Joe mumble wiping away her tears Demi smiling up at him.

Joe and Demi entered the kitchen again seeing that Denise was carrying on preparing dinner and Dianna was still sat down at the table chatting to Denise as she flicked through a magazine. They seemed to have calmed down a little bit since they left, Demi knew her father will probably still be sulking out in the backyard. They looked up from what they were doing when they noticed them enter the kitchen.

"It's positive." Demi stated sighing sitting down next to Dianna.

"Aw sweetie it will be okay, we'll help you through this." Denise comforted seeing that they were both a little panicked about this. They knew they were happy about it deep down and would be if they weren't so young. The mothers both remember them saying that one day they would love to be a parent but at the age of sixteen was a little too early.

"We're thinking about adoption." Joe confessed taking a seat the other side of his mother tangling his fingers together on the table.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Dianna questioned the two teenagers.

"We're only kids ourselves, we can't look after a baby. We're still at school trying to get good grades for our futures. We're thinking open adoption so we can still see our child but we don't know how to look after a baby." Demi explained.

"We'll all be here to help you though guys, we'll babysit during school then you can take over when you get back. It will be hard but if you really do want to keep this baby then we will be here to help you out." Denise tried to convince.

"We'll think about it, we have plenty of time." Joe stated.

"For now we need to get a hospital appointment booked to make sure everything his okay." Dianna spoke softly rubbing both their backs. It was just unbelievable for Joe and Demi that they were becoming parents next year. Abortion wasn't an option for neither of them but open adoption was definitely on the table.


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