New Girl's First Night

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Featured song:

1. Right Here in My Arms (Reunion) from Barbie as the Island Princess. (This song has been featured a few times before, but I never get tired of it.)

The Batch brought everyone home soon, and the little girl... Hunter carried her into the Jedi Temple with Anakin guiding them to the healer's wing. It seemed the little one trusted Hunter the most at the moment.

"The little one really seems to like you, Hunter." Anakin said.

"I think she'll also like to be treated for all these injuries." Hunter said. "Okay, little one. You're gonna be checked by our friend Mariposa. She'll help you feel all better."

Mariposa finished getting some medical supplies together and was ready to examine the patient. And just in time too, because Hunter just arrived.

"Oh, good, Hunter. Thank you for bringing her here." Mariposa said.

Hunter set the little girl down onto the examination table.

"There we are, kid. Meet-"

But the moment the little girl spotted Mariposa's butterfly wings, she freaked out and clung to Hunter, crying in fear.

"Whoa there," said Hunter. He toned his voice down gentler. "Hey... what's the matter?"

"She's frightened." Anakin said.

"I can see that. But why?"

"My best guess, being around a lot of strange people? Here, let me hold her." Anakin said, and he took the little girl into his arms. "It's okay, kid. Mariposa is really nice. She won't hurt you."

But the little one cried when she saw Mariposa get close to her again.

"Wait a minute." Anakin said. "Are you... scared of other doresho gypsies?"

The little girl didn't answer.

Anakin set her down and got her to look at him.

"Sweetie? Did a doresho gypsy hurt you?"

The girl didn't say anything again.

This time, Hunter decided to say something.

"Was it a doresho gypsy who put you in that prison and did all these bad things to you?"

This time, the little girl nodded.

"It looks like she trusts you the most, Hunter." Mariposa said. "You did rescue her, after all."

"Is that true?" Hunter said. "You trust me, kid?"

The little girl nodded again.

"Well, since you trust me, I'm gonna let ya know, Mariposa is here to help you get better. She'll..." Hunter thought about how he'd seen any Jedi parents talking to little kids or babies and tried to mimic that. "She'll make all your ouchies go away. But she can't do that if you won't let her examine you. If I hold your hand, will you let Mariposa examine you?"

Hunter looked into the girl's blue eyes and took her hand to demonstrate. The little girl looked Hunter in the eyes and nodded slowly.

"Okay, little one." Mariposa said. "First thing we need to do is check how bad the damage is."

So, Mariposa got the little girl fitted into a hospital gown and checked her over.

"Hold still now," said Mariposa. "This won't hurt a bit."

Mariposa then made a little butterfly appear in her hands, but the little girl got scared again.

"Don't worry, kid." Hunter said. "She's not gonna hurt you. She's gonna heal you."

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