Elements of Pollution Part 3

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Featured songs:
1. "Don't Feed the Plants" finale from Little Shop of Horrors.
2. Siren Song by Sara Singer

People were screaming and fleeing in terror as Earth grew more of his carnivorous plants.
Any time someone tried to throw trash on the ground, the plants would throw out a long-growing branch or stem and grab them or spit sticky gunk made from melted garbage they absorbed from the sewage Water was spreading.
Except, Water kept finding that her power was not working as well as Earth's.
"I will discover the menace who drained this waste into the lake if it's the last thing I do!" Water threatened.
She started to make the ground shake with raw sewage bursting from the cracks like a geyser. Except, they did not burst as strongly as she wanted. On the contrary, parts of her armor started to vanish.
"What's happening?" Water wondered. And for a moment, Caroline was aware of what was happening out of Mariverde's control. "What am I doing?!"
It was then that Mariverde began to notice something was wrong. Her mariclava's grip was weaker on Caroline than it was on her male victims.
"What is this?" Mariverde growled. "My mariclava is losing its grip!"
Caroline, however, held her head as she tried to break herself out of the trance.
"Someone, help me!" Caroline cried, as the mariclava started to tighten its magical grip on her again. "No! Stop!"
And Caroline was turned back into the villain Water. Luckily for her, someone caught that on their phone and posted it on the holo-net just as Water took over Caroline again.
Fortunately, Goldie quickly saw the post and saw Caroline was trying to escape, but the pollution was still spreading, and it wasn't much better on Coruscant.
"How are we gonna fix this problem?"
"Let's see if my mom has any butterlfies that can help." Goldie said. "She has lots of them. Something's gotta work to un-clavatize these guys and clean this mess up."
Lamenta and Omega stayed with Myra while Gabby and Goldie returned to the palace to look for Mariposa. But, Gabby met her friend in a panic.
"We've got another problem," said Gabby, holding an empty blue flower pot. "Baby Blue is gone!"
Baby Blue was a cute little plant Anakin grew just for Gabby. She'd been wanting a real pet for a while, but Padme wasn't convinced she was ready yet. So, he grew a special magical munching plant that Gabby could take care of like a pet. And her parents told her of she could care for it, they would see about letting her and the other kids get a pet.
And Gabby named the plant Baby Blue, in part because that was the color of his pot, but also because he liked blueberries, and Gabby talked to and cared for him like he was her baby.
"You don't think Mariverde clavatized Baby Blue, do you?" Goldie asked her mom.
"Mariverde can clavatize objects as well as living things." Mariposa shrugged. "I don't imagine plants would be an exception."
"Mommy, do you have any butterflies that could help us?" Goldie said. "Master Mundi has been clavatized too."
"The air all over Coruscant is becoming really polluted. No one can breathe outside." Gabby explained.
"I may have just the ones for you, but I'm afraid they alone won't be enough to fix the damage completely.
Mariposa rubbed her hands together and summoned two butterflies to her hands.
"Gabriella Amidala-Jinn-Skywalker, Goldie Heartwood."
Mariposa held out her hands, which each held a bluewing butterfly on it.
"I grant each of you this, the power of the Bluewing. It grants the power of purification. Simply say, 'clear the' and then the name of that which you wish to clean and clear, and give the butterfly a kiss. Once your quest is complete, you will release the butterflies by saying 'change complete.' Do you both accept these powers for the greater good?"
The girls looked at each other and then at Mariposa.
"We do."
And so, Mariverde gave the girls the butterflies, and they turned into rings.
"I'll go help Comedia, you help your aunt and uncle." said Goldie to Gabby.
"You'll both need more help than that." Mariposa said. "I will contact everyone I can. We need a way out of this palace if we are to have any hope of helping anyone at this end of the mariclava situation."
Somewhere in the city, a human man and his three children were watering the plants in their greenhouse. Well, the two younger ones were helping; the oldest one was mostly munching on a bag of chips, when one of the other kids noticed something odd in one of the planters.
"Hey, Dad. What kind of plant is this?"
The father came to see what his son was talking about, and saw an odd little plant that looked like one from Little Shop of Horrors.
"Huh, that's odd. I don't remember getting this plant."
"Maybe it's some kind of new wild flower that grows out of nowhere," said the oldest child, spilling some crumbs into the dirt.
"Kyra! Watch it with that trash!" said the father, taking the bag, only for the plant to snap at the bag and swallow it whole like it was a tasty snack.
To the family's great surprise, the plant suddenly grew a little bigger, and a bunch of vines started popping out of nowhere, reaching into the compost bin and a trash can. And before they knew it, even more of those plants were growing, all of them consuming garbage and getting bigger and bigger.
The same thing started happening all over town!
Everywhere Earth went, he grew more of those plants, and made them trick people into feeding them garbage, which made them grow even bigger, and they started spitting out this awful, smelly, sticky gunk.
Earth laughed at the people's expense as they fled in terror of his giant monster plants. Every florist, greenhouse worker, and park ranger fled in terror as all the plants became giant monsters that spread even more pollution, making the air difficult to breathe, and turning the land less livable. And the sewage leaking everywhere only gave them more to feed on!
They may offer you fortune and fame
Love and money and instant acclaim
But whatever they offer you, don't feed the plants
They may offer you lots of cheap thrills
Fancy discos in Beverly Hills
But whatever they offer you, don't feed the plants
Look out, here comes Baby Blue
Look out, here I come for you
Here I come for you
Here I come for you
Here I come for you
Anakin held his lightsaber high and kept all plants under his control.
"No one is spared until the ones who dared endanger my children are eliminated like the real garbage they are!"
Hold your hat and hang onto your soul
Something's coming to eat the world whole
If we fight it, we've still got a chance
But whatever they offer you
Though they're slopping the trough for you
Please, whatever they offer you
Don't feed the plants
Don't feed the plants
Even the plants were laughing at everyone's expense as they taunted whoever they trapped or attacked, and Anakin continued to spread more and more of those plants by the second.

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