Heartwood Family Reunion

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Everyone boarded the private transport that the royal family booked to take them to the island Lokahi-Hana on planet Isla Tropica, a world full of beautiful tropical islands and islands with volcanoes too.
Garrett sat down with a sigh. He still worried about what may happen when his family saw him for the first time in years. Only now, he suddenly realized he probably wouldn't recognize them either. It's been two and a half decades, so his younger siblings were no doubt all grown up by now. Some or maybe all of them were probably married with kids of their own too. He and Mahani talked a lot through letters, but she never talked about the others.
Garrett did know something about at least Mahani. He took out a picture she'd sent him. Twelve years back, Mahani had gotten married to a wonderful man, and now they had two boys of their own. One Mona's age named Miles, and a five-year-old named Davie.
Garrett didn't know how he should expect his other siblings to respond. How much they'd changed, if at all, he knew nothing about. And especially his brother Akamu, who was only two years old when his biggest brother ran away from home. He was going to be a grown man when Garrett saw him!
Now Garrett felt even worse because he wasn't there to see his youngest brother grow up. He never attended any weddings, birthdays, or any other special events in his family's lives for the last twenty-five years.
"Honey, is everything okay?" Mariposa asked, taking a seat beside her husband.
"I don't know, Mari." Garrett answered, sounding uncertain. "I haven't seen my family in almost thirty years. And now I have no clue what to expect. I only know one of my sisters has a family of her own now, and I didn't even go to her wedding or meet either of my nephews when they were born. All because I feared what everyone else would think of my marriage. To make matters worse, I've denied our daughter the chance to know her aunts, uncles, cousins, and her grandparents."
"You had your reasons, Garrett." Mariposa said, putting a hand on Garrett's. "Your intelligence had to come from somewhere, and if your family is anywhere near as smart as you, they will see that they were wrong about teaching not being a real job. And anyone would have to be pretty stupid to not see what a blessing our Goldie is."
Garrett looked at Goldie as she and the other kids were fast asleep in their bunks. It was amazing how fast she'd grown up. Pretty soon, she would be getting wings like her cousin Mona. Knowing Mariposa got hers when she was nine, and Mona fairly recently, it was probably safe to assume Goldie wouldn't have any for at least another year and a half.
Goldie was Garrett and Mariposa's greatest treasure. And like any good parent, they wanted what was best for her. But sadly, that meant they had to go into hiding.
The village in which they chose to raise their family was in one of the warmer zones of Verden, where it didn't snow in the winter, as Doresho gypsies were sensitive to cold weather, and Garrett was used to living in a warmer environment. But at least it was a safe place where no one would follow Garrett when he came home from work, nor would Mariposa stand out as a doresho gypsy.
On Verden, it was the one place Doresho gypsies could hide. Mariposa hadn't seen too many herself, nor had Garrett, but both had heard a lot of rumors that Verden was just one of many places where the remains of the doresho gypsies settled to find shelter and rebuild their once beautiful home where no one could bother them anymore. Although they were perfectly happy living a simple life, some younger doreshos, like many children, had dreams for bigger things. But that would be near impossible with the galaxy's prejudice towards their race.
Garrett knew he couldn't just sit and let other doreshos who wanted to live in peace be treated the way they'd been for centuries. So, now that he was married to one and had a baby who was half doresho, he knew he had to do everything he could to prove it to his family that they, like so many, were wrong about doresho gypsies.
"Mariposa," Garrett held his wife's hands. "I am so sorry I never told you about my past before. And for being so secretive all these years. Before we arrive there, I wanted to let you know, from here on out, I promise, no more secrets between us."
Mariposa smiled and caressed her husband's cheek.
"There's the Garrett I love and married." She said.
And Garrett leaned forward into a passionate kiss with his Mariposa.
Sometime later, the pilot let everyone know that they were an hour away from landing. So, everyone took that as their cue to make sure they had everything ready for when they landed.
Boba got out a box that carried a couple of cloaks he asked Roya to have made. Knowing Garrett's family wasn't fond of Doresho gypsies, and that a tropical island would typically have anyone wearing a cloak sweating like a pig, they needed cloaks made out of a special kind of material cool enough for the weather, but that would also hide Mariposa and Mona's wings.
"Roya says this is the same kind of material used on a lot of sarees in her kingdom." Boba said. "That's a kind of dress women wear in places like Maamoh-Yah."
"I've worn them once or twice myself." Caroline said. "They're very cool in warm weather."
Mariposa found a nice blue cloak for her, and Mona, of course, picked orange. Roya had them specially made so they would help the doreshos' wings camouflage. They turned out to look really pretty with the floral dresses they got for the luau.
"I can hardly wait to meet Daddy's family!" Goldie said. "Do you think they're gonna like me?"
"I'm sure they'll love you, Goldie." Mariposa told her daughter. "If there's one thing grandparents love, it's getting more grandkids to love and spoil."
"It's true," Shmi chuckled, holding little Charlotte in her arms, the baby babbling loudly with excitement.
Luke and Leia seemed excited too, making their parents laugh.
"Sounds like the babies are looking forward to this too." Padme said, nuzzling Leia. "Isn't that right, Leia?"
Everyone got dressed and exited the transport once it landed. From there, they got to a limo-craft that was sent to pick them up. When Garrett RSVP'd to the luau, he didn't neglect to mention that he had a family of his own now, and that his own party was quite large. Of course, he left out that most of them were actually students of his, not children of his own.
If there was one thing he knew his parents were expectant about, it was for him to marry a suitable girl. Garrett couldn't resist rolling his eyes when he recalled all the times in his teenage years, his parents would try to set him up with random girls, none of which Garrett held any interest in. Literally, until he met Mariposa, he had no clue what he even wanted in a wife; he didn't even have an image in his head of what kind of girl he'd dream of dating. You know, the usual stuff: having a thing for girls who are tall, have a particular eye or hair color, a girl who's a good dancer, a great cook, things like that. But Mariposa, she had so many qualities any good man would die to have in wife.
She knew how to cook great meals with the simplest ingredients, any plant she tended to sprouted like magic, children loved her, and she was as beautiful as she was kind. She was also a tough woman; when Garrett was afraid of her, she didn't even flinch, as though she was used to people acting in such a way whenever they saw her. In other words, they were two unlikely lovers who served as proof that men and women from different worlds, or who you would expect to be enemies could come together in love.
Everyone looked at the sites when they exited the transport. It was amazing! The cities looked so simple, yet lovely, there were lots of palm trees, a clear blue sky, and you could see the ocean from practically anywhere.
"It's so beautiful!" Omega exclaimed.
"You should see it from up here!" Buttercup called, carrying Goldie up for a better view.
"There's so many flowers everywhere!" Goldie shouted, looking around.
Gabby and Lamenta flew themselves up too, and so did their horses.
"This looks even better in person than the tropical island movie Ms. Deera had us watch in class." Gabby smiled.
"And you can actually smell the ocean breeze." Lamenta said. "Ooh, look! Dolphins!"
Like Lamenta said, there were some dolphins jumping out from the water, sounding like they were chirping 'Hello!'
Boba and Omega were joining in too, Estrella carrying Mona so she could see too.
"Children, come on down." Qui-Gon shouted. "We don't want to be late."
"There'll be time to sight see later." Hunter shouted.
"Coming, Grandpa." Gabby said, flying down, the others following suite.
The horses got into a trailer made just for them, while the humans and Twilek got into the limo.
Garrett still seemed nervous about the whole thing.
"Everything's going to be fine, Garrett." Padme said. "You have so much to be proud of, and your family will see it too if they're smart."
"Still, my family can be hard to please." Garrett said. "They only know I work as a private tutor through my sister Mahani. I'm not so sure how aware they are of what I really do."
"Working as a teacher for royalty sounds like a pretty big deal to me," said Susy. "Take it from a fellow teacher. It's not as simple a job as your family may have been led to believe. If anything, they're probably just jealous that you would prefer what would be considered a simple life style, and most of them wanted to leave their old lives living in..."
Suddenly, everyone was in for a huge shock when they looked outside the limo at their final destination, and they saw... a gigantic ocean blue mansion!
"Holy mansion!" Anakin said.
"You grew up here?" Boba said.
"From the way you described your life," said Caroline. "I pictured a simple two-story home."
"That's another thing," said Garrett. "I never saw much use for flaunting one's family wealth other than attracting leeches."
The driver notified everyone that they arrived.
"Take that path, and you shall arrive at Heartwood's Private Beach.
"You have a private beach?!" Wrecker exclaimed.
"My parents have a private beach," Garrett corrected. "Now, all of you wait here. I need to approach my parents privately. I'll signal you to come out, alright?"
"Alright/Okay/Sure." Everyone said.
Garrett was first to exit the vehicle, helping his wife and children out.
The Heartwoods approached the entrance of the private beach, and Garrett was immediately recognized by a woman younger than him wih the same dark hair and skin colors, but her eyes were more green than brown.
"Garrett, is that you?!" Said the woman.
"Mahani?" Garrett said, unable to believe how beautiful his sister had grown to become.
The two siblings immediately ran toward each other, Garrett spun his younger sister in a big hug.
"I can't believe it's really you!" Mahani exclaimed, practically squeezing the life out of her brother when he set her down.
"And you've gotten a lot stronger." Garrett gasped. "Still the loud one, I see."
Mahani didn't come empty-handed either. She gave her brother and his girls each a necklace of beautiful flowers called a lei.
"Please accept these flowers as a token of greeting. A tradition in our ohana when greeting others to our home."
Garrett cleared his throat and introduced his sister to his family.
"Mahani, this is my wife, Mariposa, our daughter Goldie, and Mariposa's niece Mona."
"It's so nice to finally meet you," said Mariposa, reaching to shake Mahani's hand.
"Forget the handshakes. You're family!" Mahani said, hugging her sister-in-law.
"You weren't kidding when you said she's a hugger." Mariposa said.
Except, Mahani thought the backside of Mariposa felt a bit strange.
"Is there something behind your back?" She asked.
Mariposa panicked inside; Mahani could no doubt feel her wings underneath her new cloak.
"That's just the material of my cloak." Said Mariposa. "It feels surprisingly thick when it gets bunched up sometimes."
"Okay... HEY, EVERYONE!" Mahani shouted. "GARRETT'S HERE!"
The rest of Garrett's family sounded excited when they heard their long-lost relative was finally at the reunion. All of Garrett's siblings, cousins, and many of his aunts and uncles arrived to greet him while Mona went to fetch the others. There were also lots of kids of all ages Garrett had never seen before. They must have been his nieces, nephews, and second cousins.
Garrett felt a bit overwhelmed, but at the same time relieved to see that so much of his family was happy to see him again for the first time in years. A lot of them seemed to have changed physically, but mentally, he wasn't so sure yet.
"Aloha, everyone." Garrett greeted. "I'm happy to see all of you too."
"It's so good to see you kaikaina!" Nani said, hugging her younger brother.
"Nani, you haven't changed a bit."
"No, but I have." Another man said. "I was very small when you left us."
"Akamu?" Garrett gasped, seeing how big his youngest brother had gotten. "Look at you. All grown up."
Nani introduced Garrett to her husband Myo, who was a Pantoran, and their daughter Maya, who was blue skinned like her father, but had dark hair like her mother. And Akamu introduced his new girlfriend Violet. Garrett was quick to notice though, that she was wearing a purple cloak like the one Mariposa was wearing. The same could be said for Lisa's husband Cho, except his cloak was red, and their twelve-year old triplets Lily, Koro, and Mei-Mei all had cloaks of yellow, blue, or red.
Garrett called over his wife and daughter and introduced them to his family... all except his parents.
"Did I hear correctly?' Said a new male voice. "Garrett has returned?"
Garrett's smiled faded when he recognized that voice, and his nerves returned.
An older couple approached Garrett and his family.
"Dad. Mom." Garrett greeted.
"Aren't you going to introduce this lovely woman to us, Gary?" said Mrs. Heartwood.
"Of course! Mom, Dad, this is my wife Mariposa. Mariposa, meet my parents, Kai and Donna Heartwood."
"It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Heartwood." Mariposa smiled and shook hands with her in-laws.
"And who is this little one?" Mr. Heartwood said, looking at Goldie behind her father.
"This is our little girl, Goldie. Goldie, come say hello to your grandparents."
Goldie stepped out, clutching her caterpillar.
"Oh, she is just beautiful!" Mrs. Heartwood said, delighted to see that she had another granddaughter she was meeting at last.
"Where is the rest of this large family you said was accompanying you?" Mr. Heartwood asked.
"They will be right out." Garrett said, then he shouted out for the others to enter. "Alright, everyone! You can come meet my family now."
Carousella, Crescent, and Sapphire all came out in their royal guard uniforms and made an announcement.
"Announcing the arrival of their majesties, the royal family of Solaris." Sapphire said.
"Sapphire, there's really no need for formal introductions," said Kara.
Kara and her parents were first to enter, being the current rulers and first heir to the throne, then the twins, their wives, and the children entered on their horses. The rest of the Heartwood couldn't believe their eyes when they saw a royal family entering to attend their luau.
"Mom, Dad. Meet my newest students." Garrett said.
Not surprisingly, a lot of people bowed or curtsied when greeting the royal family.
"Your Majesties," said Garrett's sister Minka, bringing over some leis. "We welcome you to our ohana luau. Please accept these customary leis, a symbol of friendship, honor, and greeting in our land."
"Mahalo, Miss..." Qui-Gon greeted.
"Minka. Doctor Minka Wilden. This is my husband Kuko, and our daughters Chloe and Pearl."
"It's nice to meet all of you." Shmi said.
The kids, of course, didn't hesitate to greet the other kids. But of course, the new kids seemed nervous.
"Hey, don't be scared." Gabby said. "Sure, I'm a princess, but I'm also a kid just like you."
"Who are these guys?" Asked on of Garrett's cousins, looking at the Bad Batch.
"Clone Force 99 is our group name." Hunter said.
"These are my brothers." Omega said. "Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo."
One of Garrett's female cousins seemed rather attracted to Tech.
"Aloha, I'm Arista." Said the woman, flirtatiously.
"Tech," said the clone, adjusting his glasses.
"So, is there a lady in your life?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact, she and I are engaged. Sadly, she could not attend with us because she is attending a family event of her own."
"So, what exactly do you do for the royal family?" Asked one of Garrett's nieces.
"We're... guards." Hunter said.
"Occasionally, we act as sitters for the children while their parents are away." Tech added.
"So, you're guards and nannies." said the niece.
"That's a good way to simplify it." Tech said.
"Children," called Mrs. Heartwood. "Why don't you take the royal children, and your newfound cousin to go play?"
The kids looked at their parents, who gave them the okay to go on and have some fun.
"This is going to be one interesting reunion." Garrett said, watching his daughter going to play with her friends and her cousins.
The luau was in full swing within moments of Garrett and his family friends arriving.
Garrett had a lot of catching up to do with his siblings too. Wrecker was ecstatic to see the huge feast they were having, and didn't hesitate to dig in to all kinds of great food there was. Although, poi was the one thing he took a taste of and spat out, not wanting another taste.
"I don't blame you," said Garrett's brother Koa, seeing Wrecker trying to scrape the taste off his tongue. "I never liked the stuff either."
And the children seemed to like interacting with the horses too.
"Giddyup, horsie!" Koro shouted, riding Maybelle around in the sand.
Buttercup also went for a bit of a surf in the water.
"Surf's up, everyone!" Buttercup whooped.
Carousella was a big hit among the younger kids as she flew and played carousel music from her horn. But Diamond had to fly pretty high to get away from everyone constantly trying to cuddle her because she was so little and cute.
The grownups, on the other hand, sat at a table for lunch while the kids were still playing.
It turned out, all of Garrett's siblings had chosen "acceptable" careers over the years. Nani was on her way to inheriting the family business by working as a marketing executive for the company, Minka was a doctor, Kaia was an accountant, Koa became a detective for the police department, Lisa was a partner at an accounting firm, Mahani was an engineer, and Akamu was in his third year of law school.
"Garrett is a great teacher," said Anakin. "You should've seen the mishaps we got into before he started tutoring us."
"It's true," Kara said. "I've never seen the children as excited about going to school as they are to learn from your son."
"I'm sure you appreciate having a private tutor you like." Mr. Heartwood said. "But we always thought Garrett could do better than settle for being a measely teacher."
"Obi-Wan, my old master, tells me teaching is a privilege." Anakin said. "I actually had a student of my own, and she's learned a lot."
"Not to mention my adoptive mother is a teacher too." Carmine said. "It's thanks to her that I was able to become the musician and dancer I am today."
"It's true," said Susy. "Teaching is no small career."
"Perhaps your family was fine settling for you being a teacher." Said Mrs. Heartwood. "But it's not the career for any child of ours."
"Garrett has taught us a lot more than you might think." Qui-Gon said. "He has even taught me things beyond what I could teach myself when I was younger."
"While I'm sure he appreciates your kind words, King Qui-Gon." Mr. Heartwood said. "We still always thought Garrett could do better than a teacher."
"Um... I'm gonna get another smoothie." Carmine said, leaving the table awkwardly.
"Me too." Anakin said, his wife joining him leaving the table.
"Can you believe these guys?" Carmine said.
"No, I cannot." Anakin shook his head. "Maybe they need to be told that lawyers tend to be called professional liars, or that those so-called acceptable jobs can just as easily be used to commit crimes."
"Settle down, boys." Padme said. "We came to have a good time."
"And to show Garrett's family that teaching is a good job too." Carmine added.
Goldie spent time with her cousins, playing a game of beach volleyball, which Buttercup was quick to join in on.
"I got it! I got it!" Gabby shouted, and she hit the ball over the other side of the net, only for Buttercup to kick it back hard, flinging it far away.
"Oops!" Buttercup said.
"Don't worry, Buttercup." Gabby said. She concentrated, and using the Force, called the ball back over and into her hand. "Just watch the amount of force you use next time, okay?"
"Looks like it pays to have a friend who's a Jedi, huh?" Mei-Mei said to Goldie.
"I guess it can sometimes." Goldie replied.
Goldie's cousins had so many questions for her too.
"What's it like living in a palace with royal people?" Lily asked.
"Uh... it's interesting, I guess." Goldie answered.
"Do you get to go to royal balls?" Asked Chloe.
"Have you seen how many gowns and tiaras are in there?" Pearl asked.
"I don't think even the royal family has counted all of them. They did give me a really pretty dress to wear to King Qui-Gon and Shmi's wedding though. Actually, Qui-Gon and Shmi started giving me lots of new clothes and toys every time they get new stuff for the royal kids. I guess you could say I'm kind of an honorary grandchild of theirs they like to spoil like their actual grandkids."
"I guess because your dad can't afford to?" Said Koro. "Grandpa Kai says teachers are poor because they're not paid very well."
"That's not true. Daddy got me my caterpillar plush, and he always brings me a souvenir from all the different places he's been, and he even practices his lesson plans on me sometimes, so I've learned a lot of things."
"Grandma always says teaching is a job only for people who fail at doing anything really productive." Miles said.
Goldie couldn't believe all these things her cousins were saying about her dad. She didn't think teaching was a bad job, or a last resort for failures. When she began attending school and met her teacher Ms. Deera, she seemed to like her job, and getting to lead all the kids in all kinds of great lessons and be someone they all looked up to for guidance sounded like a great job. In a way, a teacher was like the king or queen of the classroom, and the students were the citizens who learned from them to become great people who would lead the next generation to do great things themselves someday and help lots of people. And Goldie thought her dad was a great teacher.
Garrett and Mariposa had explained to Goldie that being a parent meant being many jobs in one. A parent was a child's caretaker, cook, chaufer, and most importantly, their children's first teacher. Goldie's parents were the first teachers she'd ever known back when she did homeschooling.
"My dad is a great teacher, and he actually gets paid very well." Goldie said. "Not that it's really anyone's business. And I'd like to be a teacher like him someday too."
"Has anyone seen Mona anywhere?" Asked Pinto.
Mona, was in fact, playing in the sand, building a sandcastle. Well, trying to anyway. She filled the bucket with sand and flipped it over, but the sand always fell down.
"Agh! Why won't you stay up?!" Mona yelled at the sand in frustration.
"Because the sand is too dry." Garrett said, coming over. "You need wet sand so it sticks together. But you have to get it just right so your castle will be sturdy. If the sand is too wet, it'll stick to the bucket and fall apart in bigger chunks. Let an old pro show you how it's done."
Garrett filled a bucket with some water and showed Mona how to mix the right amount of sand and water so she would have sand that wasn't too dry or too wet. Then, he showed Mona how to shape the sand and place different pieces to decorate it with.
Mona started digging in the sand for things she could decorate the castle with, and she found something really pretty in the sand.
"Uncle Garrett! What's this?" Mona asked, carrying over a pinkish conch shell.
Garrett looked happily surprised when he saw what Mona held in her hands.
"Why, Mona. I believe you just found a conch shell." He said taking the shell and cleaning it off. "They're a very rare find. They're a very special kind of shell too. Hermit crabs sometimes use them as homes when they outgrow their old shells, but they can also be musical. You see that open part on it?"
Mona looked at the open mouth part of the shell and looked inside it, but it was too dark inside to see anything.
"If you hold that part close to your ear, you can hear the ocean wherever you are."
Mona listened to the sound of the actual ocean waves crashing, and then she listened inside the shell, covering her other ear. And just like her uncle said, she could hear the ocean inside it. So, she decided to keep that conch shell and keep it safe so she could hear the ocean.
"Aunt Mariposa!" Mona eagerly ran over to show her aunt what she'd found. "Look what I found!"
"That's a beautiful shell, Mona." Mariposa said. "It looks like a perfect souvenir."
"Hey, Garrett." Lamenta said, picking up a shell that looked like a big white coin. "What kind of shell is this?"
"Oh, that's a sand dollar, Lamenta." Garrett said. "In many households and religious areas especially around here, they're believed to represent wealth and abundance in the future for those who find one."
"Too bad you couldn't find one yourself," said Mr. Heartwood. "I wouldn't imagine sending Goldie to too great a college on a teacher's salary. Luckily, for you though, now that we know Goldie exists, we shall take care of that."
Garrett growled, and the royal family could swear they saw his eyes changed a bit, but Garrett shut his eyes tightly and shook his head.
"I appreciate that, but Mariposa and I can manage to take care of our own daughter's future."
"What did you say you do for a living, Mariposa?" Asked Mahani.
"I'm a nurse, and an environmentalist." Mariposa said, watching some butterflies flying by. "I happen to know quite a bit about insects too, especially butterflies, after which I am named."
"And somehow, you settled for a teacher to be your husband." Mrs. Heartwood said.
"How did he land a catch like you?" Mr. Heartwood added.
"Actually...it was more like I landed him."
"Mariposa actually saved my life." Garrett said. "I could've died if it weren't for her finding me and nursing me back to health."
Garrett's parents couldn't believe what they just heard.
"How did it happen?" Lisa asked. "Tell us."
"Well, as I've explained to our parents, it's always been my belief that a hands-on experience is the most effective learning experience there is. And, I actually started a teaching adventure program where students get a hands-on feel on the places they learn about in the usual lectures and such. But one day, during a field trip to the mountains, there was a big rockslide. All my students managed to get out, but I was knocked out. By the time I'd woken up, Mariposa was there and she nursed me back to health."
"And eventually," said Mariposa. "We fell in love and got married. And then we had a baby girl."
Garrett's parents saw Mona and Goldie as they were building a sandastle together.
"So, Mariposa. What's your side of the family like?" Asked Koa.
Mariposa looked down and was hesitant to say anything. But, her in-laws wouldn't be able to know her better if she hid things.
"My parents actually split when I was little. I never got along with either of my sisters, and I lost my father when I was eight. So, I pretty much spent most of my life on my own. It was only recently that we discovered Mona and took her in."
"What happened to her parents?" Mahani asked. "If you don't mind me asking."
"Mona lost her father when she was very small. And let's just say my sister was found to be unsuitable as a parent. Mona has taken some time to open up and get used to things in her new home. And Garrett has been a wonderful teacher to her as well. When she is ready, we're going to see about getting her enrolled into school with the other kids."
"I still say, Garrett. You could stand to choose a more suitable career."
"Dad! Not this again!" Garrett said. "I like my job as a teacher. And I'm not even an ordinary teacher! I happen to be a very respected professor of the Enchantra High Commission, high in rank on the education board, and have earned numerous awards in my years as an educator. I have worked for many royal families, and have become an accomplished author as well. You would know that if you bothered to pick up more than just the textbooks required for every semester in school."
"It's true, Dad." Mahani said. "Garrett's sent me a copy every time he's published another book about all his great journeys across the galaxy."
"It doesn't excuse the fact that he left this family and-"
"Children!" Garrett interrupted. "I believe it's time for the traditional luau dance. Just wait, everyone. I've given the royal family lessons about this family's traditions."
The children all gathered and got ready for the most traditional part of a luau: the traditional hula dances to tell stories about the family and island's history and the importance of being together.
"It seems my brother-in-law has come back to the family that drove him away so long ago." Mariverde smirked. "And it seems the royal family is on vacation, so no wonder my latest clavatization is taking longer to be defeated. But I wonder..."
Mariverde created another mariclava and sent it off.
"Fly my little mariclava. Find a new victim among this so-called ohana."

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