Gamer Part 1

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Hello, readers. Just wanted to let you know, in the beginning of this chapter, some of the characters briefly talk about the topic of autism.

As I mentioned in an earlier chapter, mental health awareness is a cause I care deeply about. And given that the horses have switched riders temporarily, I decided this would be a good opportunity to show how important it is to remind those who aren't aware to be patient if someone they know or work with is on the spectrum.

I was taught that you should simply treat them as you would anyone else. As in, respectfully, and this is true. Compassion and patience can go a long way to making a new friendship that will last forever. Unfortunately, some folks are not always so patient, especially if not educated on the matter. I'm still learning about it myself, so please forgive me if my addressing the matter needs a little work.
Everyone woke up the next morning to what felt like another day. Mila awoke in Tech's bed that very morning. She didn't let her family know, but she and Tech started cuddling at night sometimes when Mila stayed for days at a time. Nothing strenuous. Mostly cuddling and kissing, and keeping each other warm through the cold night.

Mila's eyes fluttered open as she first saw the face of her sweet boyfriend. With or without his glasses, Mila thought he looked adorable when he was sleeping. And seeing, or rather hearing, as he was snoring, he seemed to have regained some consciousness.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Mila sang quietly, kissing Tech on the lips to wake him.

But, Tech kept sleeping. So, Mila decided to just get up and see if everyone else was up yet for breakfast.

Everyone definitely was up and at 'em today. That was when all the kids' parents suddenly got an alert on their phones.

"Oh! Would you look at that?" Anakin said.

"What is it, Dad?" Omega asked.

"Apparently, classes have been cancelled at Windy Falls today." Caroline added. "Some kind of... infestation?"

"Same for Walker Prep." Padme said. "Apparently something went wrong with graffiti clean up and they need all students to stay home today. So, it looks like-"

"Snow day!" Gabby exclaimed, startling everyone. "On a sunny day too!"

"Guess that means we have time to spend together." Peppermint said. "So, now that you have a day off, what do you wanna do?"

"You could catch up on your assignments," said Hydrangea.

"Did those already." Boba said.

"Even biology?"

"Even that." Omega rolled her eyes.

That was when Mila came in.

"Good morning, Mila." Padme said. "How are you?"

"Very well, rested. Gracias. Tech, on the other hand, is still asleep."

"Whatever happened yesterday must've really knocked him out cold." Comedia said, still munching on her waffles.

Everyone was very worried about Tech after getting to Ord Mantell. Hunter had to pilot the ship while Tech was placed on a cot to rest. Qui-Gon got out the medical supplies and confirmed Tech was alive and alright, but he couldn't determine what caused him to black out like that.

And eventually, Tech came out from his room, looking at his tablet.

"Tech! You're alright!" Omega exclaimed happily, running up and hugging Tech. Except, Tech didn't respond at first.

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