Meet the Monroes

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Featured songs:
1. La Temperatura (ft. Eli Palacios) by Maluma
Sweet 16. In a lot of places, it's basically become like a rite of passage for teenage girls. And very soon one very special girl was going to have hers. Her name was Myra Dawson-Windu, daughter of Jedi Master Mace Windu.
Myra and Brenda's backstory was exactly the happiest though.
Almost seventeen years ago, young Brenda Monroe went through the most heartbreaking thing any girl could experience: being dumped by the man of her dreams. Brenda was so young when she left home; her parents told her she would never make it on her own, but she didn't believe them. She had faith in herself and in the heavens above that she would be able to make a life for herself. It had always been Brenda's dream to start her own business. But, she came from a very traditional family stuck in last century. Her parents told her she had to look for a suitable groom with a "real career" like a doctor or lawyer, and that she should pursue a career such as being a teacher or a nurse. But Brenda just wasn't interested in those things.
Brenda always liked math and helping other people, so when she left home at 18, she went out to pursue her dream. She got an entry level job working as an editor in an accounting firm, where she eventually got promoted to an office assistant, and earned her place as one of the top workers among the accountants. The owner of the company was impressed by her natural skills with math, but it took a while to get where she was now. You see, the work industry was not exactly known for being kind to young women (not unless one of the men in the business was looking for 'special benefits').
Brenda was a bit of rebel in her family, but she had honor, and she was not going to let men tell her the only way she would get to the top was if she made herself a slave for men's pleasure. So, she worked extra hard to make a living for herself. Brenda was the kind of woman who didn't need a man taking care of her. Still, she liked the thought of meeting a gentleman who made her feel like a queen; someone who was always happy to have her face be the first thing he saw when he woke up in the morning, always thought she was the most beautiful with or without makeup and no matter what her dress size, and would always support her and her dreams no matter what, and she would do for him.
Things like rent and food were the first thing Brenda had to take care of, all while balancing time reading and researching everything she could on starting her own business. The better the presentation she could create, the better chance she would have getting a loan from the bank to start it. So, dating was the last thing on her mind.
One day, a friend of Brenda's at work invited her to this new dance club that opened. A great new place called Milk Shake it Up, a family-friendly kind of dance club where high school students and college students of all ages could hang, and the hand spun milkshakes were to die for. Brenda did need a break from working so hard, and she loved dancing and milkshakes, so she accepted.
Something else that was fun about Milk Shake it Up, there was a different theme every week. And this week's theme was Masquerade, so everyone got to wear masks like at a costume party.
But Brenda didn't know that there was a Jedi doing undercover work. Back then, Mace Windu was still a Padawan, and this was his first solo mission. He didn't show it in front of the masters, but he was ecstatic. To get such an important mission at his age was a big honor, and a sign he was excelling at his training. But, the last thing he expected was for the suspect to run and lead a young woman to fall into his arms. And that woman was Brenda.
Neither of them expected it, but the moment Brenda and Mace looked into each other's eyes, they both felt as though they were under a spell or some Jedi mind trick, which surprised Mace especially because to his knowledge, Jedi mind tricks didn't tend to affect other Jedi, unless they were still a Padawan or plain weak-minded. But, somehow looking at this beautiful girl, she had an effect that no other women did. The next thing they knew, they were dancing like in Romeo & Juliet when the couple first met.
It wouldn't be the first time they'd bump into each other either. The next thing they knew, they were secretly going on dates like Romeo & Juliet, and then things got a little serious. And Brenda was met with exciting news: she was pregnant! Brenda couldn't wait to tell her boyfriend the news. But, she never got to tell him because he came and told her that his duty was to the Jedi and he had to break up with her. After that, she didn't see him again.
Brenda spent the next week crying herself to sleep. Who could sleep after being dumped the way Brenda was? And she never got to tell Mace she was having his baby. She started to wonder what she should do. Should she have run after him and told him right then and there that she was pregnant and see if he would take her back? Should she go to the Jedi Temple and demand an audience with him? Brenda honestly didn't know what to do. She was hesitant, but she decided to call her parents to see if they would help her.
She explained to them everything that happened and that she was pregnant, but in response, her mother said, "What were you thinking?! Having a baby out of wedlock was very foolish of you! And even more foolish, you let the father leave you."
"But it wasn't my fault," said Brenda. "He doesn't even know I'm expecting. And I really can't take this kind of stress right now, Mom. It's not good for the baby."
"You need to do the right thing if you want our help Myra," said Myra's father. "You need to find that man and marry him."
"That's not possible, Dad. He's a Jedi." Brenda said. "He's not allowed any attachment, including marriage. What am I supposed to do, go to the temple and say I need a Jedi to marry me?"
"That's exactly what you should be doing. You need a husband to work while you prepare to give birth."
Suddenly, Brenda was more offended.
"So, you don't think I can care my child myself?" Brenda said. "Well, let me tell you something, Dad! It was the father's decision to leave! I didn't ask for any of this, and I certainly don't need you belittling me about things beyond my control! If I have to work two jobs to be able to provide for my baby, then that's what I'm going to do. Now, you can choose to be a part of your grandchild's life if you want, but if the fact that he or she was conceived out of wedlock means you won't love her, then so be it. I'm going to love this baby even if it means I have to work myself sick to ensure their future. Unlike you, I won't try to control my baby's life! My baby is going to be loved and supported every step of the way, and that's my final word!"
And she slammed the hang up button on her phone and caressed her still flat stomach, as she was only one month in at the time.
"Don't worry, Sweetie. I know it won't be easy, but we'll get through this together."
So, true to her word, Brenda worked very hard to provide for herself and her baby. Due to her pregnancy though, work did not always come easy, and she got herself a second job working in a retail shop to earn some extra money so she would be able to get everything the baby needed, including a two bedroom apartment so the baby would have its own room. And as her belly grew and grew, so did Brenda's determination. To make things even better, the accounting firm she worked for had a little surprise for her in the form of a baby shower put together by her friends and co-workers, who gifted her so many of the things she would need for the baby. And it was especially good because right in the middle of it all, she'd gone into labor.
You can probably imagine, the moment the doctor came to Brenda with that little pink bundle in her arms and said, "It's a girl. Congratulations," it was happiest moment of her life. And it was even happier when she got to hold the little bundle of joy in her arms for the very first time.
The baby girl looked just like Brenda's sister Heidi when she was born, but she had eyes like Mace's. It made Brenda a little sad knowing Mace wasn't here to see their daughter. "How he would've loved to see you," she said to the new baby. The baby was a real wonder, worthy of admiration. And in light of such, Brenda gave the baby a name with that exact meaning. She named her Miranda. But for short, Brenda called her Myra.
Brenda did her best to provide for Myra as she grew up, which wasn't easy on her own. But seeing Myra smile always made Brenda smile. She knew Myra wasn't the first child to grow up with a single parent, and she wouldn't be the last either. It was a tough job, being a working single mother, but Brenda made it work. She and Myra were a team, and little Myra liked it that way. Just her and Mommy. Until one day her mom met Lyle Dawson, and eventually they got married and had a baby boy named Kade.
For the longest time, Myra didn't know what it was like to have a dad, but now she finally had one. Sadly, it didn't last for very long. Myra and her mother were devastated by the loss of Lyle, and Kade was too little to understand why his father wasn't around anymore. It fell to his big sister to care for him most of the time while their mother was working after she started her accounting firm. They had enough money to live comfortably now, but Myra still had days she missed her stepfather.
Then one day, when Myra was fourteen, she went grocery shopping with her mom and little brother, when they ran into a man Myra and Kade had never seen before, but their mother seemed to recognize him. You can probably imagine Mace and Brenda were shocked to see one another after so long.
Mace was especially shocked to see Myra. Brenda sent her kids to look for something in the next aisle while she talked to Mace.
"How old is she?" Mace asked.
"Fourteen." Brenda said quietly. "She's your daughter."
"Why didn't you-?"
"I wanted to tell you. Just before you broke up with me, I had just found out and was going to tell you, but then you left."
"You didn't think to come to the Temple and talk to me?"
"That was the first thing I thought of, but you said your duty was to the Jedi. And I couldn't take the risk of them taking my baby once she was born. I'd already lost the man I fell in love with. I wasn't going to lose my daughter too."
"I imagine you've already met someone else, seeing the little boy."
"I did. I got married a few years back."
"I imagine he's been treating you well?"
"He was killed in an accident two years ago."
"I'm so sorry."
Neither of them could explain it, but the two of them talked some more. Before they knew it, Mace and Brenda went to dinner and did some more talking. And while Mace was walking Brenda home, they came across some street musicians playing beautiful music, which led to the two of them dancing together, just like they'd done when they first met many years ago. One thing led to another, and before they knew it, they were kissing.
This was the last thing either of them expected, especially Mace. But knowing about Skywalker and Senator Amidala's relationship, suddenly Mace understood how Anakin felt each time he was with Padme, especially whenever they kissed. The way they'd kissed at their second wedding, even though they were technically already married before then, they kissed as passionately as any loving bride and groom. And since things changed in the Jedi Order, Mace started to think, if Brenda was open to it, maybe they could give their relationship another try. Or at the very least, let him make up for lost time with his daughter.
Except, he didn't get quite the reaction he was hoping for from Myra.
"So, you're the one who broke my mother's heart and left her hanging with a baby?!" Myra said.
"Okay, I guess I deserve that. But yes, I am your biological father, Myra." Mace said. "And if you'd like, I would-"
"I don't want to be a Jedi, or your daughter!" Myra snapped. "I've heard things about you, Master Windu. Nothing good either. What? You think the news doesn't talk about the Jedi? I heard rumors going around that Senator Amidala was threatening a lawsuit against the Jedi for falsely imprisoning her daughter, and that you were the leading accomplice behind it. Not to mention murdering a man in front of his kid in battle?"
"Myra, you don't know the whole story-" Mace said.
"Save it!" Myra said. "Come on, Kade."
Myra took her brother's hand and took him to her bedroom and locked them both in, believing she needed to protect her brother from this man.
One thing led to another, but eventually Mace and Myra got a much needed heart-to-heart with a little help from some friends.
Now, Myra had a better relationship with her father. She'd changed a lot in the last few months, and since her father returned into her life. Even though she was turning sixteen, she was Daddy's little girl, and Kade liked him too. Kade didn't know yet, but Mace was applying to legally adopt him. He and Brenda were getting married very soon, and Mace wanted to be more than just Kade's stepfather. He didn't have a chance to watch Myra grow when she was little, but knowing how much she loved her baby brother, he thought maybe it would be a great gift to both of them and their mother if he could give Kade what he couldn't to Myra.
"A little higher, Lamenta." Mace said.
Today, everyone was pitching in to make Myra's special day perfect.
Lamenta lifted the banner that said "Happy Birthday, Myra!" on it. Omega and Wrecker painted it together. Now they just had to hang it.
"Right here?" Lamenta called.
"Good. Now, Boba. Move your side a little to the left."
Boba did so.
"A little more. Right there! Okay, Carousella. You can pin it up now."
And Carousella did just that.
Myra's sweet sixteen was just three days away, and there was still so much to finish up. Mace worked really hard with Caroline's help to plan everything to make this the party of Myra's dreams. He knew for sure it had to have a rock n' roll theme. But setting up a party wasn't easy, especially for just one person. So, everyone was helping out. Strawberry got to baking a lemon strawberry cake, Myra's favorite; she was even it in the shape of a guitar. Remix and Magenta were doing a soundcheck for the music, as they were deejaying for part of the entertainment. But, Carmine decided to call an old friend to give Myra a very special surprise.
And of course, what Sweet 16 girl could have the part of her dreams without the perfect outfit? Myra had her dream of being a rock star planned to the very last detail, including her outfits, and she had an entire sketchbook of outfits she dreamed of wearing for her future concerts. So, Mace took a look in her book and asked a certain young designer if she could make one of them into a real outfit.
Myra had been dreaming of her sweet 16 since she'd gone to her friend's big sister's sweet 16. She dreamed of having a big party with rock and roll themed decorations, a really cool outfit, lots of music, and of course the biggest tradition of both sweet sixteens and quinceaneras: the father-daughter dance. Sadly, she thought that last part would remain a dream after her stepfather died. So, now that Mace was back in her life, he promised her a father-daughter dance.
"I know it won't be the same as it would've been with your stepfather, but if a father-daughter dance is what you'd like, I'll make it come true." He'd said to her.
The venue was decorated so amazingly. There were lots of little decorations that looked like stars and electric guitars, tablecloths and streamers in black and red. Even vases that would be filled with black and red flowers, Myra's favorite color combo.
"Everything looks wonderful, Mace." Brenda said. "Myra is going to love it!"
"I hope she will."
"Are you kidding me, Mom and Dad?!" Myra said, walking in. "This is really my party?"
"Looks like you got your wish," chuckled Anakin as he was placing another vase onto a table.
"Yes, Myra. We all pitched in to make this day extra special." Mace said. "I've missed so many of your birthdays, so I'm determined to make this the best birthday you've ever had."
"Well, you're doing a good job so far." Myra said. "My friends are gonna flip when they see this."
"There's still a lot to take care of though." Mace said. "I believe we have a dance lesson scheduled in less than an hour."

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