Pony Prankster

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As the next morning rose, Jedi were waking up to get ready to start the day.

Anakin was one of the first to wake up. With the Council still adjusting with their horses, he and some of the family were staying at the Temple for a few days to help them out. 

Gabby was the best with horses and had the most experience with them despite being one of the youngest members of her family. And clearly the Council would need a few lessons on things such as riding, grooming, and feeding their horses.

Anakin rubbed his eyes and yawned as Sapphire was also waking up on her horse size pillow.

"Morning, Sapphire." Anakin said.

"Good morning." Sapphire said, stretching out her wings and her back.

Anakin got out of bed and was about to get into his slippers, when he felt something slimy on his feet.

"Huh? Eww!"

And then he found someone had put grape jelly in his slippers.

Sapphire whinnied when she looked at her hooves. Someone had painted them green.

"Someone's painted my hooves!" Sapphire exclaimed.

"And someone also put jelly in my slippers. This is gonna take forever to wash out!"

Anakin got a towel to wipe the jelly off his feet and decided to just put his boots on, but found them to filled with jelly too!

"Oh, come on!" Anakin groaned in disgust. "This is so gross!"


Estrella and Omega woke up too and found a sweet treat by their beds with a note that said, Enjoy these special caramel apples.

"Hey look, Estrella." Omega smiled. "Someone left us caramel apples."

"How nice of whoever it was." Estrella said, picking one up with her magic. "Mi favorita."

Except, when they took a bite, the caramel 'apples' tasted terrible! And it turned out they were special alright, because they weren't even apples at all. They were onions covered in caramel.

"Bleh! Onions!"

"Yuck!" Omega coughed. "I hate raw onions."

"What a dirty trick." Estrella groaned, angrily throwing the onion to the floor.

Omega tried to scrape the taste off her tongue.

"Who coulda done thith?"

"I have a hunch."


Citrus got Master Plo out of bed, as he was ready to be fed his favorite breakfast. Oatmeal muffins with marmalade.

"Patience now, Citrus." Plo said, getting the plate for Citrus' breakfast. "You'll get your breakfast."

Plo served Citrus his food on the plate he placed on the table and gave him a good petting.

"Thanks, Plo." Citrus said, licking his rider before digging into his breakfast.

Except shortly after Citrus ate his breakfast, he started panting and screaming in pain.

"HOT! HOT! HOT!" Citrus screamed, running around and whinnying like crazy.

Plo did his best to calm his horse down, but not before Citrus kicked some other people's plates off the table and some chairs. Luckily, he managed to find a carton of milk and pour it into a bowl for Citrus to drink.

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