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The Jedi Council soon welcomed their new horses to the Temple.

Reigna escorted the horses personally, and each was introduced to his or her new rider. Like most horses in Equinaro, each of the horses sniffed their new riders to get acquainted with them. Some, however, seemed more timid than others. Citrus and Comedia were two of them.

Comedia nearly nipped Ki-Adi's finger when he tried to pet her. But instead of getting upset, Ki-Adi was calm and told her, "It's okay, I won't hurt you." 

Comedia was hesitant though, and she started to back up from him with her ears folded back as though threatening aggression.

Meanwhile, Citrus seemed hesitant to approach his odd-looking rider.

"Try using a treat," whispered Anakin. "That's a good way to get a horse to trust you."

Anakin grew a tree branch with an orange on it for Master Plo to give Citrus. Plo used his claw to peel the orange, but accidentally squirted a bit of juice, which Citrus caught on his tongue.

Citrus licked his mouth, liking the taste of the sweet, juicy orange.

"Good, huh?" Ahsoka chuckled.

Plo chuckled and took a piece from the orange and held it to Citrus.

"Want some more?" he asked the horse.

"Yes, please." Citrus said, coming closer and eating the orange slice out of the Kel Dor's hand.

Master Tii gently stroked Sunheart's muzzle after giving the unicorn a chance to sniff her and familiarize with her scent.

Mace still wasn't sure about Strawberry Sundae. He did have to admit, she smelled a lot better than the typical non-magical horses he'd come across on some farms. He couldn't name a lot of times he met a horse who smelled like strawberries.

Master Mundi approached Comedia again more slowly. She was pretty cute, and it was adorable whenever the little propeller on her hat spun around.

Reigna gently nudged her cousin.

But Comedia eyed Ki-Adi's lightsaber and snorted. Ki-Adi was quick to notice this and realized that might've been what was bothering Comedia; she must have faced some kind of trauma with lightsabers or something. So, in an effort to calm her down, he took the weapon off his belt and placed it on the floor and kicked it away.

"Go on, Dear. It's okay." Reigna whispered. "He won't hurt you."

So, this time, Comedia got closer and sniffed Ki-Adi again. This time she smiled and reached out her hoof for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Master Ki-Adi." 

Suddenly, Ki-Adi didn't see a reason why Reigna was worried about her being matched with him anymore. Until he shook her hoof.

"Nice to meet-Yah!" he yelped as he felt a small shock on his hand. 

Comedia laughed and revealed that she had a joy buzzer on her hoof.

"Classic buzzing handshake!" Comedia laughed. "You should've seen your face!"

"I see... You are a jokester."

"I should've warned you," said Reigna as Comedia started to look around the room a little more. "Comedia is a silly-corn. They're a type of unicorn notoriously known for their habit of putting a rather silly twist on things."

"Nice you meet you, Prince Anakin." Comedia said. She pulled out a flower and gave it to Anakin.

"Wait a minute." Anakin said. "This is a squirting flower isn't it?"

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