The Legend of Butterfly Meadow

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A couple weeks went by since school started again. Things seemed normal.

Classes were going, sports teams were practicing inside where it was warm, and snow was letting up little by little.

But back at the palace, the horses decided to have some fun in the snow before it was all melted away.

"You're going down, girly!" Wrecker shouted, throwing another snowball at Estrella, who ducked.

"Missed me!"

"Oof!" groaned Maybelle. "Crosshair... prepare to meet your match!"

The Batchers, as well as Qui-Gon and his children were in a big snowball fight with the horses. It was a battle of the genders in this one.

Kara quickly build a protective wall of snow and made a bunch of snowballs with the unicorns' and Padme's help.

"Alright, Carousella." said Caroline. "on my count, fire!"

Indira ducked as she was nearly hit with a snowball.

"You can throw a ball at a mountain, but it will never fall." Indira said, before kicking some snowballs at Tech and Carmine.

"Face the music, cous!" Carousella taunted, practically burying Remix in snowballs.

"They're too powerful!" Remix said. "We may have to retreat!"

It was fifteen to ten, which should have been considered unfair, but the girls were pretty confident they could beat the guys.

Sapphire was the only pony not throwing snowballs because... someone had to keep an eye on the babies.

By now, Lee Ali was back to attending school after attending her grandmother's funeral. She was still grieving over the loss, but Lamenta and her family gave their condolences and told the Hartems that if they needed anything at all, they were willing to help.

Lee Ali's birthday was coming up, and Lamenta wanted to surprise her friend with something special. Over the last couple weeks, Lamenta let Lee Ali share all her favorite memories of her grandma with her. One of her favorites was the time she took Naya and Lee Ali camping.

"Daddy had a lot of trouble starting the campfire." Lee Ali said, starting to laugh. "And then his marshmallow caught fire. Luckily, Grandma thought to bring a fire extinguisher. She knew more about surviving in the woods than all of us. You should've seen when my Grandma chased off that flock of mosquitoes. Naya thought she'd never be able to climb a tree, and those bugs scared her into climbing to the top!"

"Wow," said Lamenta. "Your family has definitely got an interesting way of making things exciting."

"Yeah. That's why I joined the Little Star Scouts. So I could practice more of what my grandma taught me." Lee Ali said. "My family planned to go camping again in the summer. But now I don't know if we can anymore. It wouldn't be the same without Grandma."

"I think she'd be disappointed if you guys didn't go." Lamenta said. "You said so yourself, she taught you a lot about surviving in the woods, and she would want you to continue to learn and grow. It's what every parent and grandparent wants for their kids."

Lee Ali also told Lamenta how her grandmother used to tell her all kinds of great stories whenever she had a video call at night. And when they went to her house for the holidays when Lee Ali was much smaller, she taught her and Naya how to give each other makeovers.

"Grandma could do everything." Lee Ali said. "Daddy always said when he was a kid, she was the fun parent."

"I wouldn't have expected that." Lamenta said. "Most kids I've met who had both parents at least for some of their life usually said their dads were the fun parents and their moms the boss."

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