Elements of Pollution Part 2

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Somewhere on Coruscant...

In the park, the very same park where Comedia was injured, there was still a lot of trash left lying around, and people continued to toss their litter on the ground and into the lake.

"Hey, Mom. What should I do with this trash?" said a rodian boy about to leave the park with his mother.

"Hurry up, Runo. We have to go." said his mother.

Shrugging, Runo just tossed the trash over his shoulders, and then it was picked up by someone wearing green and black gloves.

But just as Runo was about to meet with his mother, they were blasted with some kind of goop that filled the air with some kind of gas too! It was all green and sticky, very icky, and Runo started coughing from how awful the stuff stunk.

"What is this stuff?!" Runo said.

"That is your own pollute coming back to you," said an angry voice.

Runo and his mother looked up in horror when they saw a figure in black and green armor with a blaster that was dripping the same goop the younger one was covered in.

"This is what litterbugs like you get for nearly killing my daughter with your garbage!" said the figure angrily.

"Who are you?!" said the female rodian.

"One of the Elements of Pollution. I am Air. And I am here to teach polluters like you a lesson on what happens when you decide to be careless with the environment on this or any planet."

And with that said, he filled the air with more of the gas that polluted the air, and he collected some of the garbage that filled the lake and scanned it.

Scanning for origins of litter

Air, a.k.a. Master Mundi, traced the litter to several people across town, and knew exactly what he was going to do. It was time to give those litterbugs a taste of what they did to his precious girl with their carelessness and their trash.

Air burst into people's homes and into their work places and blasted them with the same green goop and filled the room with the nasty-smelling gas and locked people in the room to be forced to breathe in the pollution, and everywhere he saw people littering or blowing exhaust from their vehicles, he blasted them with the goop and gas as well, and people were getting scared as well as sick as the air was getting even more polluted!

Air filled the room of a big office building as some people were having a meeting, and then locked the door as the people inside banged and pressed themselves against the windows, screaming for help as he blasted the doors and locks with goop and sealed them shut.

The goop didn't just get stuck to people, however. It also spread across the walls and got into people's water supplies and killed the few plants that existed in the city

People called the fire department, the police, and the EMT's. Everywhere they went, even they got stuck. The non-droid firefighters had special masks to protect themselves from the gas, but their uniforms could protect them from the goop getting them or their vehicles stuck, and the goop got the droids circuits gunked up and glitching.

At the hospital...

"How's everyone looking?" asked one doctor.

One of the droid nurses held a data tablet of the results of various patients' test results. Most of them were the same. Some got a skin reaction, others breathed in the fumes for too long, and some were unfortunate enough to accidentally swallow traces of it

"Not good. We've found traces of all kinds of chemicals in the goop and the gas. All of it appears to be made from various pieces of trash, including, but not limited to, broken beer bottles, plastic wrap, empty soda cans, candy wrappers, moldy foods, old fry grease, and broken office supplies."

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