The Third Sister

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Mariverde sat in her throne, not the least bit pleased. Lately, she'd come up with some quick schemes to clavatize people and offer them great powers in exchange for retrieval of the Solaris royal family's crown jewels, but so far none of them were successful or even seemed focused on keeping up that end of the bargain. Not Rattle Snake, not Silly Filly, not Mare-Lody. Not even Scare Mare and Queen of Mean put together worked.

So far, that duo was the best idea she'd had, but they failed to ruin the holidays because of the spirits of holiday times.

Her worst idea was probably having Almec pose as Obi-Wan, as she'd not planned as far as to ensure he knew everything about the Jedi now Duke of Mandalore ahead of time. Mariverde began to think. It had been quite some time since she'd been in action. Thirty years to be precise. For Doresho Gypsies, that was a short time, but nevertheless a long time for them to go without using their powers.

And for the last few decades, Mariverde remained in hiding, as she was one of the last Doresho Gypsies as far as she knew. If she wanted any chances of growing her power or repopulating her species, she had to be extremely cautious.

"Hmm... it appears all my time in isolation has hindered my ability to plot." Mariverde confirmed. "Perhaps I need to take a little time outside to refresh my mind."

And so, Mariverde, for the first time in many years, approached the exit to her chambers, and headed out the door, ready to take a little vacation.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Enchantra...

In a beautiful garden, there lived a fair maiden. Her hair was silky brown with streaks of blue, her eyes as blue as azaleas, a blue cloak adorned with little blue flower petals she wore and wore beautifully, a crown of blue flowers to top it all.

This maiden tended to her garden with love, watering each flower with great care, caressing each flower and telling it how beautiful it had grown that day.

Lots of beautiful blue butterflies fluttered about in the garden as well.

"Ah, what a lovely day this is, wouldn't you agree, my pretties?" said the woman, allowing a butterfly to land in the palm of her hand.

However, that was when another butterfly flew in, this one a little faster than the others, and it frantically flew around the woman's head to get her attention.

The woman could see that the butterfly was frantic. And she had the little one rest on her finger.

"There now. Take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong." said the woman.

She held the butterfly by her ear as though it were whispering into her ear, and the woman gasped.

"She's back?" said the woman, looking worried. "Oh, this is not good."

The woman went into a cottage on the far side of the garden and sat at a table with a crystal ball surrounded by beautiful flowers.

"Show me Mariverde." said the woman.

The crystal ball unleashed a white glow and showed its mistress a vision of Mariverde leaving her quarters for some reason. Curious, the woman asked her crystal ball to show her Mariverde's intentions. And when she learned of those intentions, she was in an even bigger panic.

"Oh no." said the woman. "I must help those people. But they do not trust my kind. I'll have to find a way to help them and earn their trust so I may do so."

The woman started to think, and then she had an idea.

"Oh, Darling. Where are you?" called the woman. "I need to speak with you about something important."

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