A Mandalore Wedding Part 3

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Featured song: Feeling the Love from Descendants: Royal Wedding

The game show continued on.

Obi-Wan number 2 got another question.

On Life Day last year, what did Peppermint give Obi-Wan?

The fake Obi-Wan waited until he heard a whisper from the cloaked figure in his mind.

"She gave him- I mean me..." said the imposter. "A custom made tea set."

"What did it look like?" Peppermint asked to be sure.

"Light blue with white flowers."

The others were confused. How did he suddenly know the answer?

"I don't know how he knew that." said the real Obi-Wan. "But I can prove it is me. Ask me any random question."

Gabby jumped in with a question.

"What did you give me for my third birthday?"

"A pink panda bear." Both Obi-Wan's said.

"What's my middle name?" Carmine asked.


"What did I dress as for Halloween three years ago?" Anakin asked.

"Prince Charming."

Obi-Wan's Jedi friends started asking random questions too. Questions about his childhood, his favorite things, things only he would know about his friends. But every time, both Obi-Wans got every question right.

The fake Obi-Wan got in touch with the hooded figure again through his mind.

How much longer must I do this?

"As long as it takes." Said the figure.

The others looked at each other, unsure what to do.

But then, Qui-Gon had an idea.

"Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon stepped up. "When you were twelve years old, you were excited for your first pilot simulation class, but you ran out crying. Why?"

One Obi-Wan remained silent as his cheeks turned very red and he looked like he wanted to disappear.

But the other one responded differently.

"I ran out crying because I'd thrown up right after the simulation. Ha!" He smirked.

Carousella tackled that Obi-Wan and the fake Obi-Wan was cuffed.

"What?! I just told you the answer." said the fake Obi-Wan.

"Yes," said Qui-Gon. "But the real Obi-Wan was so embarrassed, he vowed never to utter a single word about it ever again.

Now the real Obi-Wan was the one smirking.

"My old master was the only one I ever told." The real Obi-Wan said, standing by his friends.

"Now let's see who you really are!" Lamenta said, walking up to the fake Obi-Wan and tightly holding his shoulder.

And as her eyes glowed, Lamenta began to see a vision of how this fake Obi-Wan came to be.

Sometime within the last few days...

Former Prime Minister Almec and a few Death Watch soldiers who'd managed to escape after Bo-Katan and her army of Mandalorian soldiers came and defeated their forces were sitting around, minding their own business.

They were all furious that their forces has been defeated and all were bent on revenge against the duchess, especially Almec. He'd gained so much wealth and power in his secret acts of corruption within the black market, and as the saying goes, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. And he fell hard.

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