Miss Fortune Part 4

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Anakin was on comm with everyone involved in the plan to stop Ms. Fortune, and he explained everything they knew so far.

"She has Gabby and everything else to complete this ritual. She also took the twins, no doubt using them as hostages against their sister."

"It's important that this method to defeat her is done perfectly," said Kara. "Ms Fortune will need more than good luck on her side if she wants to complete the ritual."

"Let me see it I understand correctly." Citrus said. "We march around and say this chant, and then when gold coins are thrown over us, the bad luck spell will be broken?"

"It's what Omega and Boba spotted in the memory stream," said Carousella. "And now my rider and two babies are in even more danger than any of us were before. This is more than a game of luck and chance. This is a test of how much we are willing to risk to save our friends, our family, the galaxy."

"I'm in!" Comedia said, stamping her hoof with determination.

Everyone was ecstatic to get on with the mission. Omega and Boba were no exception. Regardless of the unfortunate events they faced before, this matter was officially made personal the moment their little brother and sisters were kidnapped.

Omega pounded her fist into her hand and said, "Ms Fortune is gonna need a lot of good luck when I get my hands on her."

Except, the others didn't think it was a good idea for Boba and Omega to come along on the mission.

"Kids, it's best you stay here for now." Padme said. "I don't know everything about magic, but I know enough to say it's an even bigger risk for either of you to go into battle with unbalanced powers."

"But we wanna help." Omega said. "It's a big sister's job to protect her little sisters and brothers."

"Same goes for big brothers too." Boba said.

"Both of you, stay here." Padme said firmly. "I don't need my last two children in danger."

Shmi and Mariposa stayed behind to look after Boba and Omega while the others got to what ships they could find that were not damaged by bad luck to go and find Gabby and the babies.

But, neither Omega nor Boba were happy that their parents were making them stay behind while their little brother and sisters were in the clutches of a dangerous villain. Gabby had risked her young life so many times in the almost seven years she'd been alive, all for the sake of protecting the people she loved, and oftentimes people she didn't even know.

"I don't care if our powers are out of whack," said Boba. "Gabby once risked everything to save me, and I made a promise to her when we became a family that I would keep her safe. The same goes for Leia and Luke. And villains like this Ms Fortune lady are no exception to what I'll protect them from."

"They're my siblings too." Omega said. "We have to go rescue them, no matter what the grownups think about what danger we're getting into."

Omega's wings popped up again, and with a groan she made them vanish again.

"Even if it means we have to keep dealing with that."

So, when their babysitters weren't looking, the twins got their horses and began riding.

"Take us to our siblings!" Omega said, snapping the reins. "Hyah!"

And so the twins were on their way to save their younger siblings.

Meanwhile, Gabby was reluctantly reading the instructions to cast the spell and hopefully save her little brother and sister.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Ms Fortune said impatiently.

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