Hypno-Sisters Part 2

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After Anakin and the others finally got home after the job for Cid and discovering the Hypno-Sisters, they immediately began taking action to ensure their safety.

Lamenta truth scanned her uncle and every member of the Bad Batch as well as the horses. She confirmed Anakin, Crosshair, Echo, Wrecker, Pinto, Banjo, and Sapphire were all hypnotized by Dr. Zavi and Mezmira, but she couldn't make out what they'd been hypnotized to do.

Every member of the royal family except Anakin sat in a room to go over what Lamenta had found.

"I couldn't make everything out, but I could hear a few words." said Lamenta.

"Were any of them trigger words?" Qui-Gon asked.

"I'm not sure. But I could hear Mariverde mentioned, our crown jewels, and something about an eagle and a wolf."

"Maybe we should avoid using any of those words," Kara suggested. "until we find out how to un-hypnothize them."

"If the crown jewels are at stake," said Omega. "I think I have a good idea how we can protect them."

Gabby looked at Omega as she sat next to her. The match they did together playing dejarik was one moment where they seemed to grow a little closer as sisters.

When she was smaller, the only big sister Gabby had known was Ahsoka. She wondered what she was up to now.

"You have a strategy?" Gabby asked.

"It's my thing, and you're a big part of it." Omega smiled.

"What do I need to do?"

Omega thought and said, "How good are you at crafting?"

Meanwhile, the Batch were doing their own things.

Wrecker was lifting a weight and devouring a nuna leg, Crosshair was cleaning his weapon, Echo was relaxing with Mini-R2 by his side, and the horses were outside running, eating hay, or resting.

Nothing bad seemed to happen.

Sapphire was content watching Diamond as she was rolling around in the new spring grass that was growing.

Spring was finally starting to bloom, and it should have been a symbol of hope. But, it can be hard to hold onto hope when you're living in a time where a bunch of Enchanted criminals are on the loose.

Fortunately, the Solaris royal family wasn't the only one working to recapture the escapees. The Jedi as well as royal families and other leaders from other kingdoms were also working to recapture the prisoners, and succeeded in capturing a fair number of them before they became powerful enough to put up too big a fight.

Gabby dipped her brush into a little jar of glue and dabbed a tiny bit onto a fake jewel that looked just like the one on her tiara. And she placed it onto a faux tiara made to look like hers.

"What do you think?" Gabby asked.

"It looks perfect." Omega said, putting together the beads for a fake japor snippet. But she dropped one end of the rope and all the beads slipped off. "Dang it!"

"Having trouble with your beads, sis?" Boba chuckled placing his hand down, not realizing there was glue on it, and getting some rhinestones stuck to his hand. "Oh!"

Boba tried to get the stones off, but only succeeded in getting his hands stuck together and making his sisters laugh.

"Maybe you should go wash your hands, Big Brother." Gabby said.

"Good idea." Boba said, getting up and leaving.

As Gabby and Omega were left alone, it was quiet. So, Gabby decided to strike up a conversation.

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