Spoils of War

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Starting high school is sure to give one a whirlwind of a year, but that is usually caused by nerves, insecurities, and the constant struggle to fit in and debating on which clubs, cliques, and sports teams you may or may not join. But for some, it gets a little crazier, especially if you're part of a magical royal family of Jedi, and happen to be on the hunt for several escaped prisoners and a dark sorceress turning ordinary people into villains against their will.

Not much luck with locating Mariverde's new hideout.

With Mariverde still at large, as well as many of the escaped convicts, it seemed like there was no end to any war in the Galaxy. And it didn't help that Mariverde made fewer clavatizations recently, only to randomly clavatize a lot later, either.

Luckily, the royal family continued under Garrett Heartwood's teachings, and soon the Jedi started seeking his help too; the more they could learn about magic, the easier it would be to confront various enchanteds.

The Bad Batch were especially determined to help the royal family and the Jedi bring Mariverde and her minions to justice.

With the lab on Kamino destroyed, the search for these criminals just became personal for the Batchers and even for Boba. That was where Boba's birth father had raised him, and now not just his old house, but the entire city was totally destroyed. But now, the Batchers were working harder than ever to help keep the Galaxy safe once more.

And they weren't alone either. Thanks to an incident earlier in the summer with Clovis being given magic sand to switch lives with Anakin (upcoming story), they found out at least Mariverde's magic couldn't reach other dimensions, which meant their friends in the Madrigal family were totally safe as long as Mariverde didn't make her way through the mirror to their world. Who knows what Mariverde would do if she got to them?!

But of course, Tech's fiancé Mila decided she wanted to get out of there for a while, and help fight a battle on a real adventure, like some of the courageous characters in her books. She knew a real journey was different from reading, but she didn't enter into it lightly. Besides, she had to figure out somehow where she and Tech would live after they got married. Like a lot of brides, she was eager to say 'I do' and start a family, and like a good mother or future mother, she wanted to pick a great place to raise the little ones. Going on adventures now, it would give her and Tech lots of great stories with hopefully important lessons to tell their future children.

And today, the Bad Batch were on yet another mission for Cid.

With the horses by their side, handling the wilder missions was a little easier. But in this case...

"Go, go, go, go, go, go!" Wrecker shouted, riding Pinto as Maybelle handled carrying the package with her magic.

"I told ya to be quiet back there!" Pinto scolded as he ran.

Echo, Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair were all riding their horses across the beach as they were chased by a bunch of giant crabs. The horses had to run at racehorse speed to avoid the crabs's snapping claws, just barely managing to literally save their tails.

"We went over the plan five times." Echo scolded Wrecker.

Despite this not being the first time Wrecker did something reckless, it bugged the other Batchers to have to babysit him sometimes.

"I got the package, didn't I?" Wrecker said.

"That I have to carry because somepony can't take the weight and run fast enough." Maybelle shouted.

"Can you guys argue another time?" Banjo shouted. "Such as, maybe when we're not being chased by these overgrown crustaceans?"

"Just keep moving." Hunter said. "Indira, time to start flying!"

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