Council Steeds

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With Mariverde beginning to step up her game, and the risk she posed to the rest of the galaxy, the Jedi Council realized they were going to need even more help on their end.

The Council sat in a meeting. And with two of them were a couple of horses.

Anakin had his jewel pegasus Sapphire Beauty beside him, and Obi-Wan had his candy-corn Peppermint Twist.

"We already have the aid of many leaders of Enchantra." said Master Fisto. "As well as from many in the Republic."

"But Mariverde is a clever woman." said Luminara. "If she doesn't target beings of dark power, she targets those who succumb to their negative emotions."

Anakin raised his hand and said, "If I may, Masters..."

Yoda gave Anakin the floor.

"It's come to my attention that since the Bad Batch has added steeds to their team, they've had an increase in speed, strategy, and efficiency in missions." Anakin explained.

And it was true. Each horse was helpful in his or her own way as they worked with their riders in many ways. For one thing, being an alternate form of transportation, being able to sense oncoming dangers sometimes even before Hunter did, as well as emotional support which was beneficial to the Batchers' health. And for each of their riders, sometimes the horses helped them step out of their comfort zones, overcoming weaknesses they'd been previously unable to before.

Teatra, for example, help Tech learn to view things from a creative perspective instead of relying solely on cold hard facts.

Pinto taught Wrecker how to find a balance between playing rough and being gentle.

Indira helped Hunter learn to relax and how to help himself not crack under pressure by finding inner peace.

Crosshair started to learn to loosen up and even smile a little more thanks to Maybelle.

Even Echo found something great when he bonded with Banjo. Sometimes the simplest things were the answer to complicated problems.

"If you may recall, Obi-Wan and I each received a horse because according to Queen Reigna, each of us was in a time of need, and her Equinary book believed the horses we got were the right ones for the job."

Sapphire, with her strong spirit and gentle soul, had helped Anakin when he was really falling apart after a serious disagreement with his wife. And Peppermint showed Obi-Wan that change could be sweet if he just gave it a chance.

Eventually, even Carmine got matched with Harmony, who helped him with finding a better balance between channeling his musical abilities while training in the Force and energy surrounding him.

"And during our time at the Citadel," said Anakin. "Having a group of horses along our side helped us get out with more survivors, and they made good guardians too."

"Are you suggesting we each get steeds of our own, Skywalker?" Mace asked.

"I am, Master Windu. They've helped us a lot during the Clone War, and some even came to help during the Battle of Geonosis. Obi-Wan benefits from having a loyal steed of his own. Why can't other members of the Council?"

"Where would any noble knight be without his or her valiant steed by their side?" Sapphire nodded, earning a stroke on her muzzle from Anakin.

"I'm sure if you ask anyone whose been matched through the Equinary, they'd give you similar answers." Peppermint said. "Sweet."

The Council decided to ask a few people they knew with horses to tell them how things changed for them since they got their horses.


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